Books made by prisoners
Bookbindings made by prisoners
Cover of address to the king
Books showing different binding styles
Book with stamped and tooled cover and binding
Books made by prisoners
Books made by prisoners
Album of Sydney Harbour Trust presented to Duke of York: cover
Books for Exhibition, Government Printing Office
Books made by prisoners
Books made by prisoners
Books made by prisoners
Album presented by State Government to Duke of York: front cover
Bookbindings made by prisoners
Address to the King
Government Printing office: Covers of photo albums
Ruling room, Government Printing Office
Front cover of Lord Howe Island album presented to Dr J.S. Mackay
Bookbinding shop at Long Bay
Inside of book cover showing tooling
Books for exhibition, Government Printing Office
International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80 - bookbinding display
Specimen of binding executed in Government Printing Office
Album of Jenolan Caves views presented to Duke of York
Careers exhibition, Town Hall
Books made by prisoners
Specimen of binding executed in Government Printing Office
Address to the King
Government Printing office: Covers of photo albums
Album of Jenolan Caves views presented to Duke of York
Careers exhibition, Town Hall
Books made by prisoners
Books made by prisoners
Books made by prisoners
Books made by prisoners
Books made by prisoners
Specimen of binding executed in Government Printing Office
Album of Jenolan Caves views presented to Duke of York
Album presented to E.P. Fleming, Under Secretary for Lands
Books made by prisoners
Specimen of binding executed in Government Printing Office
Books made by prisoners
Specimen of binding executed in Government Printing Office
Books made by prisoners
Books made by prisoners
School display, Town Hall: bookcraft
Ivory binding of Book of Hours
Bookbinding shop at Long Bay