Emigration : copies or extracts of...
Emigration : copies or extracts of any correspondence between the Secretary of State and the governo...
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10 results
Showing 1 - 10 out of 10 grouped results
Showing 1 - 10 out of 10 grouped results
Emigration : copies or extracts of...
Emigration : copies or extracts of any correspondence between the Secretary of State and the governo...
Canada and South Australia : a comm...
Canada and South Australia : a commentary on that part of the Earl of Durham's report which relates...
Copy of the annual report from the...
Copy of the annual report from the Agent for Emigration in Canada, for 1837. And copies or extracts...
Emigration : copies of reports made...
Emigration : copies of reports made to the governors and councils of Canada, New Brunswick, and New...
Reports from the Agent General for...
Reports from the Agent General for Emigration and the Agent for Emigration in Canada, and also corre...
The Emigrant's guide to New South W...
The Emigrant's guide to New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, Lower Canada, Upper Canada and New Bruns...
The Emigrants guide to New South Wa...
The Emigrants guide to New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, Lower Canada, Upper Canada, and New Bruns...
Emigration, North America & New Sou...
Emigration, North America & New South Wales : return to an address of ... the House of Commons, date...
Emigration for the relief of parish...
Emigration for the relief of parishes practically considered
Counsel for emigrants : and interes...
Counsel for emigrants : and interesting information ... concerning British America, the United State...