Total length of pile from high water mark to silt level
Untreated turpentine pile: 12 years in Five Dock Bay
Untreated Ironbark pile, cut near low water mark
Effects of insects on piles at Fig Tree Wharf, Lane Cove
Effect of insects on piles at Alexandra Street Jetty, Lane Cove
Cut in malthoid covered pile from Five Dock Bay
Cut in pile partly covered with malthoid showing cut near high water mark.
Cut in charred pile at No. 2 Depot
Showing position of cuts on total pile from Five Dock Bay after ten years
Effect of Leredo & Cobra worm on pile at No. 2 Depot, Balmain
Bottom of Jorgenson's punt at Daltons Wharf
Effect of insects on piles & walling, Fig Tree Wharf, Hunters Hill
Effect of insects on fenders on Lysaghts Wharf, No. 6 Pyrmont
Effect of insects on pile from Daltons Wharf
Cut in charred pile at No. 2 Depot
Effect of insects on piles & fenders mid-way along No. 1 Pyrmont coal wharf
Effect of insects on a walling, Fig Tree Wharf
Effect of insects on pile, No. 3 Coal Jetty, Pyrmont
Whole length of piles showing effects of sea insects