Letter received by Mary Yostis from her husband Joseph Yostis, 6 November 1791 (Series 23.49)
'Orders relative to the Convicts [?] & the Plants &c in its proposal to the admiralty at Mr Stephen'...
Copy of account of shipwreck Neva, 1836
Item 12: Letter received by Captain George Ourry from John Nicoll, 9 August 1787. Forwarded to the F...
'Extract of a Letter from one of the Women Convicts...', 24 July 1790 (Series 36.10)
'Extract of a letter from Captain Edward Manning...Addressed to Mr Alderman Macauley...', 1791 (Seri...
Letter written by Sir George Yonge to an unknown correspondent, 9 April 1776
Letter received by Mary Yostis from her husband Joseph Yostis, 6 November 1791 (Series 23.49)
Item 12: Letter received by Captain George Ourry from John Nicoll, 9 August 1787. Forwarded to the F...
'Orders relative to the Convicts [?] & the Plants &c in its proposal to the admiralty at Mr Stephen'...
'Orders relative to the Convicts [?] & the Plants &c in its proposal to the admiralty at Mr Stephen'...
Letter received by Mary Yostis from her husband Joseph Yostis, 6 November 1791 (Series 23.49)
Item 12: Letter received by Captain George Ourry from John Nicoll, 9 August 1787. Forwarded to the F...
'Orders relative to the Convicts [?] & the Plants &c in its proposal to the admiralty at Mr Stephen'...
Letter received by Mary Yostis from her husband Joseph Yostis, 6 November 1791 (Series 23.49)