Francis Forbes - papers relating to...
Francis Forbes - papers relating to sentences commuted, 1824-1825
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Showing 1 - 20 out of 20 grouped results
Francis Forbes - papers relating to...
Francis Forbes - papers relating to sentences commuted, 1824-1825
Sir Thomas Brisbane from oil painting. Govt. House
Reminiscences of General Sir Thomas...
Reminiscences of General Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane : of Brisbane and Makerstoun, Bart...
The acts and ordinances of the Gove...
The acts and ordinances of the Governor and Council of New South Wales.
A letter addressed to Earl Bathurst...
A letter addressed to Earl Bathurst : His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies on...
Correspondence on the subject of du...
Correspondence on the subject of duties which had the effect of prohibiting the sale of rum imported...
The charter of the Bank of Van Diem...
The charter of the Bank of Van Diemen's Land.
Copy of portrait of Governor Brisbane by Augustus Earle
Portrait of Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane, 1842 / engraved by Frederick Bromley, painted by Robert...
Governors of NSW.
Portrait of Sir Thomas Brisbane. Aetatis LXXIV / from the painting for the Royal Society by Sir John...
H. Hume's sketch of a tour performed by W. H. Hovell and himself from Lake George to Port Phillip, B...
Copy of portrait of Governor Brisbane by Augustus Earle
Portrait of Governor Brisbane
Thos Makdougall Brisbane / portrait engraving of Sir Thomas Brisbane
H. Hume's sketch of a tour performed by W. H. Hovell and himself from Lake George to Port Phillip, B...
[Portrait of Brisbane, 1826? / after Earle]
Obelisk on site of first observatory, Parramatta Domain,
Portrait of Governor Brisbane
Portrait of Governor Brisbane