March of the North Coasters - Kempsey, NSW
World War I recruiting march - Fernmount, NSW
Arrival of "North Coasters" recruiting march in Port Macquarie during World War I - Port Macquarie,...
The North Coasters camped on Gaol Hill. It was then the Showground - Port Macquarie, NSW
The "Boomerangs" [recruitment marches, 1915-1916] at Parkes showground with the Mayor and Mayoress,...
World War I soldiers recruiting march. First volunteers in Lachlan Street facing the Post Office - H...
The "Boomerangs" [recruitment marches, 1915-1916] during their march through Forbes - Forbes, NSW
Headquarters State Recruiting Campaign [Challis House, Sydney]
Enlisting for World War I. Recruiting Officer (beside flag ) with volunteers and their relatives and...
Recruiting campaign. Dummy tank in front of NSW Bank - Horton Street - Port Macquarie, NSW
"North Coasters" World War I Recruiting March - Port Macquarie, NSW
Parade of "Boomerangs" [recruitment marches, 1915-1916] up Clarinda Street on way to Sydney - Parkes...
North Coasters being sworn in at Port Macquarie Show Ground. World War I recruiting march - Port Mac...