Young sea-elephants amongst the tussock grass; Macquarie Island
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Showing 1 - 50 out of 50 grouped results
Young sea-elephants amongst the tussock grass; Macquarie Island
Tent at Aerial Cove below the flying fox
Late evening view in summer looking south from Aerial Cove, Macquarie Island
Panorama of Wireless Hill from the vicinity of the Climatological Screen
Looking towards the Isthmus from Aerial Cove, Macquarie Island
A mast going up on aerial [sic, i.e. flying fox ?] to summit of Wireless Hill
Fluvio-glacial deposits overlying Volcanic Breccias on Wireless Hill. Note recent peat overlying th...
Panorama of Wireless Hill
Sea-elephant rookery at Aerial Cove
Amongst the rocky reefs near Aerial Cove, Macquarie Island
Expedition Hut, Macquarie Island
Engine shed & Wireless House on top of Macquarie Island
View of the face of Wireless Hill, Macquarie Island, from Aerial Cove
Constructing the Engine House Building on Wireless Hill, Macquarie Island
Wireless House on top of Macquarie Island
Wireless operating hut, Macquarie Island
Telephone Hut to engine house, half a mile distant. Local production
Volcanic agglomerates (younger Bassic series) south-east slopes of Wireless Hill
Wild's camp at the foot of the flying fox; Macquarie Island
A load of "Shell" benzine at the foot of the flying fox; Macquarie Island
Cow sea elephants amongst tussock grass; Macquarie Island
Aerial Cove from Wireless Hill
The Wireless Station at Macquarie Island in winter
A young bull sea-elephant on the Isthmus; Macquarie Island
The flying fox at Macquarie Island
The "Aurora" at anchor seen from Aerial Cove
At the top of the Flying Fox, Macquarie Island. Left to right: McLean, Mawson
Erecting the bottom section of a mast on Wireless Hill
Sawyer, Sandell & Hamilton taken near the Wireless Station, Q.M.Id. [sic, i.e. Macquarie Island]
Davis & Mawson examining Aerial Cove, Macquarie Island
The Spit & Wireless Hill viewed from the heights to the south
Aurora at anchor, from near the Aerial Cove, Macquarie Island
Interior, Engine Hut, Wireless Hill, Macquarie Island
The flying-fox from Aerial Cove to summit of Hill
Erecting wireless mast at Macquarie Island
The rocky shore west of Aerial Cove, Macquarie Island
General view from the Aerial Cove Camp looking up to the top of Wireless Hill
The Shack, Q.M.Id. [sic, i.e. Macquarie Island]
Wireless Hill from the east
The flying-fox seen from Aerial Cove
Erecting the wireless mast, Macquarie Island
The Engine House, Macquarie Island
View looking south from Wireless Hill
Pleurophyllum hookeri in flower
View from Garden Bay looking west across the Isthmus; Macquarie Island
Wireless mast during erection ; Macquarie Island
View of Operating & Engine Huts, Macquarie Island
The flying-fox from Aerial Cove. A load going up
The Isthmus from the North-end, Q.M.Id. [sic, i.e. Macquarie Island]
Hauling on the flying-fox rope on top of Wireless Hill