Feeding pet lamb - Trundle, NSW
Collecting honey from bee hive - Trundle, NSW
Yap Yap (dog) in cart pulled by Achong - Trundle, NSW
Cutting chaff - Trundle, NSW
Carting hay - Trundle, NSW
Reading mail on verandah at "Claris Park" - Trundle, NSW
Collection 03: Wheat silos in country New South Wales, 2003 / photographed by Hal Pratt
Jessie standing on the pig - Trundle, NSW
Diving in farm dam - Trundle, NSW
Trundle, NSW
Grading wheat at "Bellevue" - Trundle, NSW
House built previous year - Trundle, NSW
Feeding sheep with wheat - Trundle, NSW
In the garden - Trundle, NSW