Chambers's information for the peop...
Chambers's information for the people.
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23 results
Showing 1 - 23 out of 23 grouped results
Showing 1 - 23 out of 23 grouped results
Chambers's information for the peop...
Chambers's information for the people.
Emigration : copies or extracts of...
Emigration : copies or extracts of any correspondence between the Secretary of State and the governo...
Report of the committee of the whol...
Report of the committee of the whole Council upon immigration : presented 8th November, 1841, with m...
Proposals for the encouragement of...
Proposals for the encouragement of emigrants, as tenants to the Van Diemen's Land Company ...
Practical hints to emigrants intend...
Practical hints to emigrants intending to proceed to Tasmania : and a full description of the severa...
Emigration : return to an address o...
Emigration : return to an address of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 7 May 1838, for, cop...
Emigration to New South Wales and V...
Emigration to New South Wales and Van Diemen's land. [Album view]
General orders : whereas the settlement of Port Dalrymple is now established by Lieutenant Governor...
General orders : in consequence of the highly favourable reports Lieutenant Governors Paterson and C...
Report of a meeting held the 1st day of April, 1854, at the Royal Exchange Rooms ... for the purpose...
Tasmania, 1879.
Tasmania, 1879.
Oversættelse med anmaerkninger af d...
Oversættelse med anmaerkninger af det interessanteste af Excursions in New South-Wales, Western Aust...
Practical hints to emigrants intend...
Practical hints to emigrants intending to proceed to Tasmania : and a full description of the severa...
Emigration to Tasmania
Emigration to Tasmania
Statistical view of Van Diemen's La...
Statistical view of Van Diemen's Land ... forming a complete emigrant's guide.
Emigrant's guide to Australasia ......
Emigrant's guide to Australasia ... Australia [and] (Tasmania and New Zealand).
Information respecting the Australi...
Information respecting the Australian colonies.
Evans' Beschreibung von Van Diemen'...
Evans' Beschreibung von Van Diemen's Land.
Report of the Committee : presented...
Report of the Committee : presented at a public meeting of subscribers, held in Launceston on the 30...
Schilderung der Insel Van Diemensla...
Schilderung der Insel Van Diemensland einer höchst merkwürdigen Brittischen Colonie in der Südsee...
Excursions in New South Wales, West...
Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Dieman's[i.e. Diemen's], Land during the y...
Emigration (Australia) : copies or...
Emigration (Australia) : copies or extracts of any correspondence between the Secretary of State for...