Tracing of the direct road from Illawarra to Sydney between Mt. Keera and Bulli descent; still to be...
Geological map of the Bulli - Mount Kembla district Bulli, Corrimal, Wollongong, Mount Kembla
Tracing shewing the proposed road to Illawarra by way of the Cook's River Dam avoiding the passage o...
10 1/2 mile squares (barely)
Gregory's map of the Wollongong - Port Kembla district
Map showing land described in Wollongong Harbour Trust Act of 1889
New South Wales Wollongong [cartographic material] : [no. 434] zone 8 / prepared by Australian Secti...
Plan of part of the Port Aiken coal field in the parishes of Bulgo and Heathcote, County of Cumberla...
Wollongong, New South Wales