Wilson petrel on nest
W020: Wilson petrel on nest / Frank Hurley
Megalestris antarcticus on sea elephant
Megalestris macormickii on nest, Mackellar Islets
Scarlet robin, by Neville Cayley
Fighting fish, 24 December 1946 / photographed by N. Herfort
Natural history drawings, mainly of birds, ca. 1832-1841 / by James Stuart
File 01: Testing of Canon EOS 1, city architecture, September 1989 / photographed by Max Dupain
Fighting fish, 24 December 1946 / photographed by N. Herfort
Animals Bankstown, 11 December 1952 / photographed by Wal Easton
Giant petrel caught at Tamarama, 29 August 1938
8. Coraciae. [along lower edge in different hand] October. Reduced to half the size of the Bird the...
Birds at Macquarie Marshes (Warren) Western N.S.W.
Fighting fish, 24 December 1946 / photographed by N. Herfort
3. Amadina Guttata. Australia - Malurus Melanocephalus. Australia [Red-backed fairywren].
7. Babblers, Whipbirds and Mudbuilders
Fighting fish, 24 December 1946 / photographed by N. Herfort
Animals Bankstown, 11 December 1952 / photographed by Wal Easton
Fighting fish, 24 December 1946 / photographed by N. Herfort
12. Ocypterus. [above title in different hand] April - natural size [Dusky Wood-Swallow] [Artamus cy...
8. Sericulus Melinus. Australia [Regent bird].
f.13 Tachyptes Minor ( Bonap ) Small Frigate - Bird (Plate - 10 vol. 1)
Collection 27: Drawings of birds chiefly from Australia, 1791-1792
Fighting fish series
Collection 27: Drawings of birds chiefly from Australia, 1791-1792
22. Magpies
Collection 27: Drawings of birds chiefly from Australia, 1791-1792
24. Natural size [Scarlet Robin] [Petroica multicolor, male, Norfolk Island]
15 Bird of Virginia (reverse)
25. Car,ral,gar,yei,sar - natural size [Scarlet Robin, male] [Petroica multicolor, N.S.W.]
Item 4: Passerines, 1968-2012 / drawn by William T. Cooper
Volume 03: New South Wales drawings ('The Lambert Drawings'), 49 watercolours
29. Blackbird [Norfolk Island Blackbird?] [Aplonis fuscus, male]
27. Musicapa
Collection 27: Drawings of birds chiefly from Australia, 1791-1792
Collection 27: Drawings of birds chiefly from Australia, 1791-1792
32. Regent [regent bowerbird]
Volume 03: New South Wales drawings ('The Lambert Drawings'), 49 watercolours
33. Natural size [Red-Backed Wren] [Malurus melanocephalu,male]
32. Starlings Orioles Figbird and Drongo
32. Graculus Melanops Leadbeater New Holland
Collection 27: Drawings of birds chiefly from Australia, 1791-1792
Volume 03: New South Wales drawings ('The Lambert Drawings'), 49 watercolours
Item 06: Natural history and botanical drawings, ca. 1849-1872 / [attributed to Louisa Atkinson]
36. Terns, [n.d.] / ANTA/ATC (5498 5500)
36. Crows Currawongs Rifle-Birds and Manucode
36. Magpie, Taronga Park Zoo, Sept 1945 / (5792)
Bird series at Warren N.S.W.
Volume 03: New South Wales drawings ('The Lambert Drawings'), 49 watercolours
44. Unidentified birds
Volume 03: New South Wales drawings ('The Lambert Drawings'), 49 watercolours
Collection 27: Drawings of birds chiefly from Australia, 1791-1792
45. Blood-brid New Holland
51. Large tropical Pigeons/Black Cockatoos
f.53 Cracticus Quoyii Quoy's Crow-Shrike ; Gymnorhina Organicum (Gould) Tasmanian Crow-Shrike (Plate...
f.55 Strepera Fuliginosa (Gould) Black Magpie ; Strepera Graculina (G. R. Gray) Pied Crow-Shrike (Pl...
53. Parroquet of Otahytey - Veney ; 53b. Bird of Otahytey - Omawmow
54a. Bird (singing bird) of Otahytey - Otatarrey; 54b. Swallow of Otahytey - Opeia
Ornithology of Australia. Volume 2, commences with Erythrodryas and ends with Centropus, ca. 1863-18...
Ornithology of Australia. Volume 2, commences with Erythrodryas and ends with Centropus, ca. 1863-18...
Volume 02: New South Wales drawings ('The Lambert Drawings'), 95 watercolours
Ornithology of Australia. Volume 2, commences with Erythrodryas and ends with Centropus, ca. 1863-18...
92. Drongo, Apostle bird/Woodswallows
94. Catbirds, Spotted Bowerbirds/Regent, Golden and Satin Bowerbirds
96. Magpies, Currawong/Crows
97. Bird of Norfolk Island commonly called the mutton bird - drawn natural size [Wedge-Tailed Shearw...
f.92 Ptilonorhynchus Holosericeus (Kuhl) - Satin-bird (Plate 41 Vol.04)
103. Pin-tailed duck
Series 06: Negatives of Shackleton-Rowett expedition, 1921-1922 aboard the Quest, including miscella...
121. Asian drongo-cuckoo
Ornithology of Australia. Volume 1, commences with Acquila and ends with Smicrornis, ca. 1863-1875 /...
Ornithology of Australia. Volume 4, commences with Sclopas and ends with Eudyptula, ca. 1863-1875 /...
File 19: Ponape (Micronesia), General, approximately 1980
File 19: Ponape (Micronesia), General, approximately 1980
168. Singing starling