Album of State Government presented to Duke of York: fly leaf
Garling family - coat of arms, watercolour drawing by Clarence Gosper, ca. 1921-1923
Parramatta Courthouse
Dr William Bland - silver candlebra from the Bland Australian Tribute, 1858 / photographer unknown
Royal Arms, principal entrance, G.P.O.
New South Wales Coat of arms
28th Parliament, 2nd Session: opening
Opening of 'Centenary' Parliament
Parramatta Courthouse
Coat of arms on the grave of Dumaresq
Coats of arms of Sir Harry Rawson carved on stone
The Arms of David Scott Mitchell
Parramatta Courthouse
Royal Coat-of-arms
Naval Depot: old gun showing coat of arms
Opening of new court house at Sutherland
Parramatta Courthouse
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
State Office Building
Royal coat of arms
Warrant granting Commonwealth Coat of Arms - obverse
Coat of arms, Sir Kenneth Whistler Street
New South Wales Coat of arms
Parramatta Courthouse
Royal coat-of-arms in Legislative Council
Coats of arms of State Governors, hall panel, Government House
Parramatta Courthouse
Royal coat of arms, in lobby
Parramatta Courthouse
Album of Sydney Harbour Trust presented to Duke of York: cover
Coat-of-arms of Governor General the Earl of Dudley, Government House
Lord Beauchamp's coat of arms, Government House, Sydney
New South Wales Coat of arms
Coats of arms carved on stone outside Government House
Parramatta Courthouse
Royal coat-of-arms in Legislative Council
Coat of arms, Sir Kenneth Whistler Street
Main Hall, Government House, Sydney
Sir Laurence Whistler Streets' crest
Coat of arms, City of Canberra.
Opening of 'Centenary' Parliament
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Parramatta Courthouse
Royal coat-of-arms in Legislative Council
Snuffbox made from an animal tusk
New South Wales Coat of arms
Coats of arms carved on stone outside Government House
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Sir Laurence Whistler Streets' crest
Parramatta Courthouse
Royal Coat-of-arms
Coat of arms: Sir W. Windeyer
New South Wales Coat of arms
Album presented by State Government to Duke of York: front cover
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
N.S.W. Coat of arms on glass door in Legislative Assembly
H.M.S. Endeavour 1770
New South Wales Coat of arms
Decorations at Government buildings: Pitt and King Streets
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Coats of arms carved on stone outside Government House
Address to the King
Sydney University: Inauguration Oct 11th 1852
Parramatta Courthouse
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
New South Wales Coat of arms
New South Wales Coat of arms
Coats of arms of State Governors, Government House
New South Wales Coat of arms
New South Wales Coat of arms
Parramatta Courthouse
NSW official coat of arms
New Zealand trade mission welcomed at Parliament House, Canberra by Prime Minister Menzies
Coats of arms of State Governors, Government House
Armorial bearings of the Maritime Services Board, New South Wales
General Post Office in course of erection: Royal Coat of Arms
Parramatta Courthouse
Parramatta Courthouse
Sir Laurence Whistler Streets' crest
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Parramatta Courthouse
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
A shield "Lumen Siccum"
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Swearing-in of His Honour Mr Justice Moffit as Lieutenant-Governor of NSW
Title page with early English coat of arms
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Sir Laurence Whistler Streets' crest
Royal coat of arms in lobby of Supreme Court
Parramatta Courthouse