Map of Australia and Tasmania showing the mean monthly distribution of rainfall in percentages of th...
Isohyets mean annual rainfall map Australia & Tasmania
Commonwealth Meteorology the tinted areas show the chief districts devoted to Cattle-raising
Average rainfall map and isohyets of Western Australia Division no. 1 Section 4
Map of Western Australia showing the average rainfall for the wheat-growing period, April to October...
Commonwealth Meteorology the tinted areas show the chief districts devoted to Dairying
Orographical map of Australia orographical data compiled at the Commonwealth Meteorological Bureau
Map showing the average rainfall for the wheat-growing period, April to October inclusive
Commonwealth Meteorology the tinted areas show the chief districts devoted to Wheat-growing
Average rainfall map and isohyets of Queensland, Division no. 3, Section 5
Isohyets mean annual rainfall map Australia & Tasmania
Commonwealth Meteorology map showing generally the wettest months of the year throughout Australia
Average annual rainfall map of Australia revised to 1924
Commonwealth Meteorology the tinted areas show the chief districts devoted to wool-growing and sheep...