Sect. 46, part Lot 1, Parish of St James
Plan shewing the ground described as a Government reserve and required for the purpose of erecting a...
Lot 1, Section 46, part of Chapman's grant, Parish of St. James [Album view]
Pitt street King Street Sec. 38
Section 38, part. Lot. 5, Parish of St. James [Album view]
Description of W. Hugh Murray's [land] as car.d in the Sydney Gazette
Plan of 5 perches of Crown Land being part of the site of the Tank Stream, City of Sydney, County of...
Plan of allotment 17, section 44, Parish of St. James, City of Sydney, N.S.W. 1866
Secn. 34, Parish of St. James, Case No. 2403 [Album view]
Josephson's land [cartographic material] [Album view]
Section 38. Part lot 12, Parish St. James [cartographic material] / [drawn by] F. Reuss. [Album view...
Sec. no. 39, Parish of St. James [Album view]
Elephant and Castle Secn. 35, Parish St. James.
Plan of allotments 16 to 23 of section 46a. Parish of St. James, City of Sydney [cartographic materi...
Plan of subdivision of land in application 23225, Parish of St. James County of Cumberland