[Miscellaneous collection of invita...
[Miscellaneous collection of invitations : Originating mainly in New South Wales.]
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10 results
Showing 1 - 10 out of 10 grouped results
Showing 1 - 10 out of 10 grouped results
[Miscellaneous collection of invita...
[Miscellaneous collection of invitations : Originating mainly in New South Wales.]
01 - Sydney Harbour Bridge Ephemera...
01 - Sydney Harbour Bridge Ephemera. Folder 1. Pre 1932
[Ephemera on Aboriginal Australians : pamphlets, leaflets, etc. on the indigenous people of Australi...
Folder 11. Publications 1950-2000
Folder 11. Publications 1950-2000
[Ephemera on the celebrations of Au...
[Ephemera on the celebrations of Australia's sesqui-centenary : including pamphlets and poster issue...
[Ephemera on Horticulture in New So...
[Ephemera on Horticulture in New South Wales: including pamphlets, leaflets etc. related to commerci...
Polo, races, sports : Kensington Ra...
Polo, races, sports : Kensington Racecourse, Saturday, 15th May, 1897 ... [programme] [Album view]
Special day's racing in honor of Si...
Special day's racing in honor of Sir H. Robinson : Saturday, 18th January, 1879 : official programme...
Koala Social Club's Spring Meeting...
Koala Social Club's Spring Meeting [Album view]
[Ephemera from the Centenary of Federation celebrations, 2001 : including pamphlets, invitations, pr...