Relation du voyage à la recherche...
Relation du voyage à la recherche de La Pérouse : fait par ordre de l'Assemblée Constituante pend...
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12 results
Showing 1 - 12 out of 12 grouped results
Showing 1 - 12 out of 12 grouped results
Relation du voyage à la recherche...
Relation du voyage à la recherche de La Pérouse : fait par ordre de l'Assemblée Constituante pend...
John Esq. Hunter's Reise nach Neu-S...
John Esq. Hunter's Reise nach Neu-Südwallis, nebst historischen Nachrichten von den Vorfällen zu P...
A voyage round the world in His Maj...
A voyage round the world in His Majesty's frigate Pandora, performed under the direction of Captain...
John Hunter's Reise nach Neu-Südwa...
John Hunter's Reise nach Neu-Südwallis, nebst Nachrichten von den Entdeckungen in diesem Lande und...
Some account of New Holland, and th...
Some account of New Holland, and the discovery of a chain of islands in the Pacific Ocean : in a let...
Voyage in search of La Pérouse : p...
Voyage in search of La Pérouse : performed by order of the Constituent Assembly during the years 17...
A voyage to the South Sea undertake...
A voyage to the South Sea undertaken by Command of His Majesty, for the purpose of conveying the bre...
Narrative of Captain James Cook's v...
Narrative of Captain James Cook's voyages round the world : with an account of his life during the p...
A narrative of the mutiny, on board...
A narrative of the mutiny, on board His Majesty's ship Bounty : and the subsequent voyage of part of...
A narrative of the mutiny, on board...
A narrative of the mutiny, on board His Majesty's ship Bounty : and the subsequent voyage of part of...
Voyage to the South Sea, undertaken...
Voyage to the South Sea, undertaken by command of His Majesty, for the purpose of conveying the brea...
Voyage à la mer du sud, entrepris...
Voyage à la mer du sud, entrepris par ordre de S.M. britannique pour introduire, aux Indes Occident...