Kámilarói and other Australian la...
Kámilarói and other Australian languages / by William Ridley.
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10 results
Showing 1 - 10 out of 10 grouped results
Showing 1 - 10 out of 10 grouped results
Kámilarói and other Australian la...
Kámilarói and other Australian languages / by William Ridley.
Etude sur les dialectes, Neo-Caledo...
Etude sur les dialectes, Neo-Caledoniens, Australiens et autres / par Julien Bernier.
An Australian language as spoken by...
An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal, the people of Awaba, or lake Macquarie (near Newca...
Some remarks on the Australian lang...
Some remarks on the Australian languages
The Aboriginal names of rivers in A...
The Aboriginal names of rivers in Australia philologically examined
The aborigines of Australia : a lec...
The aborigines of Australia : a lecture delivered in the Mechanics' Hall, Melbourne, before the John...
Mundas and Australians
Mundas and Australians
Kamilaroi, Dippil and Turrubul : la...
Kamilaroi, Dippil and Turrubul : languages spoken by Australian Aborigines
Gurre Kamilaroi ; or Kamilaroi sayi...
Gurre Kamilaroi ; or Kamilaroi sayings
Ethnological studies among the nort...
Ethnological studies among the north-west-central Queensland Aborigines