Steam chaff cutter. Steam engine towing caravan towing chaff cutter - Urana, NSW
Part of procession and carnival to raise money for Smithtown Hall - Smithtown, NSW
Tractor towing grader towing caravan, near Forest Creek, Conargo. These men were cutting roads and l...
Dr De Luca's aeroplane being towed by car to test its airborne qualities - Port Macquarie, NSW
Bullock team pulling truck out of mud at Kars Station - Broken Hill area, NSW
Moving a plane down Jerilderie Street (main street), Jerilderie - Jerilderie, NSW
Car being towed from water after being immersed for 15 hours. It fell from the back of the Blackman'...
Dr P De Luca's aeroplane being tested. It crashed soon after this photograph was made - Port Macquar...
Traction engine with corn threshing equipment in tow. Andrew Scott travelled from farm to farm on co...