Mountainous headlands
Ships anchored in harbour
New plan of settlements in NSW
Ceremonial canoe (?)
View of Sydney from the west side of the Cove, no. 1
First Mayoral Fancy Dress Ball, 1844
Kings School Parramatta picture by F. Terry
Sailing ships at river mouth
View of the S.E. of Woolloomooloo
View of a part of Sydney
View of Sydney from East side of Cove, no. 1
St Marys Cathedral fire as seen from College St
Coastline from harbour
Henry Kendall, Australian poet, ca. 1880-1900 / print by unknown artist
Falstaff: scene in wine vaults
Sailing ship near iceberg
The Bellinger River by Gruner
Ships at anchor in harbour
(MM) Cars queuing for a small punt
Falstaff: scene in wine vaults
View at Batemans Bay, showing river & town
The celebrated circumnavigator, Captain James Cooke [sic], not after 1952 / photograph of an engravi...
Native women in ceremonial dress
International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80-Wall picture display
Manning River near Taree
The old flag unfurled on a new shore
The ruins of St Marys Cathedral after the fire
Ships at anchor
Portrait of an unknown woman
Falstaff: battle scene
Ships at anchor off cliffs
River mouth
Brickfield Hill
Part of the reef, Sydney Bay, Norfolk Is., on which HMS Sirius was wrecked
St Marys Cathedral
Part of the reef, Sydney Bay, Norfolk Is.
Kurnell Reserve, Botany Bay from print by W.J. Carruthers
Canoes and ship an anchorage
Sydney from the harbour
View of settlement, Sydney Cove
Part of the reef, Sydney Bay, Norfolk Is.
Native village
Falstaff: scene in wine vaults
Nelson's last signal at Trafalgar
Falstaff: scene in wine vaults
Sydney from the North Shore (?)
Captain Cook's voyage
Native people surrounding ketch
Sailing ships in harbour
Very Reverend Father Therry
Parramatta Road Toll Gate
Musicians and dancers
Sailing ships approaching harbour
Coastal landscape
Falstaff: scene in wine vaults
Birth place of Captain Cook (Marton, Yorkshire, England)
View of a part of Sydney
J. Eyre's "View of Sydney on Norfolk Island"
Native resting
Sydney in 1888
View of Sydney from East side of the Cove, no. 2
View of Port Jackson and part of Sydney
St Marys Cathedral: the fire from King & Macquarie Sts
Ships at anchor off harbours
International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80: print display
(MM). Car driving onto punt at Karuah River
Canoes approaching a headland
Island landscapes
Capt. Robert Johnston in uniform
Sydney from the west side of Sydney Cove
Mountainous landscape
Sailing ship and canoes in harbour
The Very Reverend Father Therry
Ship's boat surrounded by canoes
Sailing ships entering harbour
Fight in a native village
Ceremonial dances in native villages
Sydney: the capital of New South Wales
A: Lighthouse, Sydney B: Fort Macquarie (Phare del Port Jackson).
Sydney from Dawes Point, direct south view.
Campbell & Co's Mercantile House, Sydney
Sydney Cove
Harbour and headlands