Transportation and colonization, or...
Transportation and colonization, or, the causes of the comparative failure of the transportation sys...
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24 results
Showing 1 - 24 out of 24 grouped results
Showing 1 - 24 out of 24 grouped results
Transportation and colonization, or...
Transportation and colonization, or, the causes of the comparative failure of the transportation sys...
Colonisation in 1876
Colonisation in 1876
State colonization / by the Right H...
State colonization / by the Right Honourable The Earl of Meath.
A letter from Sydney : the principa...
A letter from Sydney : the principal town of Australasia
State colonization : opinions of we...
State colonization : opinions of well-known leaders of working men's Associations in favour of state...
Sidney's Australian hand-book : how...
Sidney's Australian hand-book : how to settle and succeed in Australia : comprising every informatio...
Australia and the penal colonies.
Australia and the penal colonies.
Colonial reform.
Colonial reform.
Notes on our Australian colonies :...
Notes on our Australian colonies : in connexion with the Colonization Society
Third report from the Select Commit...
Third report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Colonization from Ireland : together...
On British colonization : particula...
On British colonization : particularly in reference to South Australia
Practical suggestions for the forma...
Practical suggestions for the formation of emigration mutual aid societies : with a concise view of...
Emigration fields : North America,...
Emigration fields : North America, the Cape, Australia, and New Zealand, describing these countries,...
New Holland : its colonization, pro...
New Holland : its colonization, productions & resources, with observations on the relations subsisti...
Sidney's Australian hand-book ; how...
Sidney's Australian hand-book ; how to settle and succeed in Australia : comprising every informatio...
Lectures on colonization and coloni...
Lectures on colonization and colonies : delivered before the University of Oxford in 1839, 1840, & 1...
Emigration : comparative prospects...
Emigration : comparative prospects of our new colonies
Outlines of British colonisation
Outlines of British colonisation
Emigration, its necessity & advanta...
Emigration, its necessity & advantages.
Idea of a new law for the civilized...
Idea of a new law for the civilized world : recommended to the consideration of France, Great Britai...
The settlement of Australia
The settlement of Australia
Prospectus of the Port-Phillip and...
Prospectus of the Port-Phillip and Clarence River Colonization Company.
Transportation and colonization : o...
Transportation and colonization : or, The causes of the comparative failure of the transportation sy...