[Man and children carrying a canoe on a beach with palm trees and huts, Gilbert Islands, ca. 1900] /...
417. U.S. forces capture Gilbert Islands - U.S. Marines crouch behind fallen trees on Tarawa atoll a...
[Maslyn Williams Gilbert Islands photographs]
[Maslyn Williams Gilbert Islands photographs]
418. U.S. Marines charge a Japanese pillbox after landing on a beach at Tarawa ...
[Maslyn Williams Gilbert Islands photographs]
419. U.S. sharpshooter on Tarawa - a U.S. Marine crouches behind a tree and shoots at Japanese soldi...
[Maslyn Williams Gilbert Islands photographs]
420. U.S. planes strafe foe on Makin Island ...
[Maslyn Williams Gilbert Islands photographs]
[Maslyn Williams Gilbert Islands photographs]
[Maslyn Williams Gilbert Islands photographs]
[Maslyn Williams Gilbert Islands photographs]
[Maslyn Williams Gilbert Islands photographs]
[Maslyn Williams Gilbert Islands photographs]
[Maslyn Williams Gilbert Islands photographs]