Bexley Rd from Canonbury Grove from ch 1900 looking nth
Bexley Rd from Canonbury Grove from 1400 looking north
Bexley Rd from Canonbury Grove: intersection Barnsbury Grove
Bexley Rd from Canonbury Grove: intersection Miller Ave
Bexley Rd from Canonbury Grove: from ch. 1917 looking nth
Bexley Rd from Canonbury Grove to Nth Bexley
Bexley Rd from Canonbury Grove to North Bexley
Bexley Rd from Canonbury Grove: intersection Mainerd Ave
Bexley Road
Secondary Rd 2014, Kingsgrove Rd prior to reconstruction
Bexley Rd from Canonbury Grove from ch 2473 looking sth
Bexley Rd from Canonbury Grove: from verandah, grocers shop