[Circular letter sent from the Gilb...
[Circular letter sent from the Gilbert Islands Mission Rongorongo, Beru
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12 results
Showing 1 - 12 out of 12 grouped results
Showing 1 - 12 out of 12 grouped results
[Circular letter sent from the Gilb...
[Circular letter sent from the Gilbert Islands Mission Rongorongo, Beru
Puritan missions in the Pacific : a...
Puritan missions in the Pacific : a discourse delivered at the Fort Street Church, on the anniversar...
S.S. John Williams : Captain Hore's...
S.S. John Williams : Captain Hore's narrative of the leading incidents of voyage no. 2
Memoirs of Captain James Wilson, co...
Memoirs of Captain James Wilson, containing an account of his enterprises and sufferings in India, h...
The Missionary voyages to the South...
The Missionary voyages to the South-Sea Islands : performed in the years 1796, 1797, and 1798, in th...
Travel and talk, 1885-93-95 : My hu...
Travel and talk, 1885-93-95 : My hundred thousand miles of travel through America, Australia, Tasman...
Mgr. Bataillon et les missions de l...
Mgr. Bataillon et les missions de l'Oceanie centrale
Auguste Marceau, capitaine de frèg...
Auguste Marceau, capitaine de frègate, commandant de l'Arche d'alliance, mort l Ier février 1851
Memoir of Mary M. Ellis : wife of t...
Memoir of Mary M. Ellis : wife of the Rev. William Ellis ... including notices of heathen society, ....
Memoir of Mary Mercy Ellis, wife of...
Memoir of Mary Mercy Ellis, wife of the Rev. William Ellis, missionary to the South Seas, and foreig...
Memoir of Mrs. Mary Mercy Ellis : i...
Memoir of Mrs. Mary Mercy Ellis : including notices of missionary life, and the remarkable manifesta...
Memoir of the Rev. William Cross :...
Memoir of the Rev. William Cross : Wesleyan minister to the Friendly and Feejee Islands ; with a sho...