027 - Z/TP/H2/35a - The Patonga Estate, Hawkesbury River [description]
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37 results
Showing 1 - 37 out of 37 grouped results
Showing 1 - 37 out of 37 grouped results
027 - Z/TP/H2/35a - The Patonga Estate, Hawkesbury River [description]
004 - Z/TP/H2/4 - Dangar Island - Riverview Ave, Neotsfield Ave, Grantham Cres, 1922
025 - Z/TP/H2/34 - Dangar Island, Hawkesbury River [plan with handwritten lot numbers and measuremen...
021 - Z/TP/H2/28 - Dangar Island third subdivision, Hawkesbury River - Riverview Ave, Grantham Cres,...
018 - Z/TP/H2/23 - Township of Brooklyn, Hawkesbury River - Hawkesbury St, William St, George St, Br...
022 - Z/TP/H2/29 - Dangar Island, Hawkesbury River - Noetsfield Ave, Baroona St, Grantham Cres, Yall...
008 - Z/TP/H2/9 - Peat's Ferry Township - Peat St, Cole St, Hawkesbury Cres, Amos St, [1913?]
033 - Z/TP/H2/40a - The Patonga Estate, Hawkesbury River [description] - No boundaries shown, 1918
024 - Z/TP/H2/33 - Dangar Island - Riverview Ave, Noetsfield Ave, Grantham Cres, 1922
012 - Z/TP/H2/14 - Hawkesbury River Station Estate, village of Brooklyn - Hawkesbury St, George St,...
032 - Z/TP/H2/40 - Patonga Estate, Hawkesbury River, opposite Broken Bay Heads & Lion Island - Paton...
009 - Z/TP/H2/10 - Dangar Island, Hawkesbury River - Neotsfield Ave, Grantham Cres, Baroona St, Yall...
031 - Z/TP/H2/39 - Hawkesbury Bridge Subdivision on the Hawkesbury River near Brooklyn - Cogra Bay n...
026 - Z/TP/H2/35 - Patonga Estate, Hawkesbury River, opposite Broken Bay Heads & Lion Island - Paton...
003 - Z/TP/H2/3 - Hawkesbury Estate, Hawkesbury River - Peat St between Hawkesbury River and Great N...
005 - Z/TP/H2/5 - Hawkesbury River Station Estate, village of Brooklyn - Hawkesbury St, George St, B...
Tracing of Mr Commin's survey of Mullet Island, Hawkesbury River October 7th 1862 [Album view]
001 - Z/TP/H2/1 - Little Wobby Beach Estate, Hawkesbury River - No street names provided. Adjacent t...
030 - Z/TP/H2/38 - Rugby Township - First Ave, Second Ave, Third Ave, Fourth Ave, Fifth Ave, Sixth A...
028 - Z/TP/H2/36 - [Sketch of] Deposited Plan No. 2105, Shire of Hornsby, Fairview, Peat's Ferry now...
023 - Z/TP/H2/32 - Dangar Island, Hawkesbury River - Riverview Ave, Noetsfield Ave, Baroona St, Yall...
002 - Z/TP/H2/2 - Hawkesbury River Station Estate, village of Brooklyn - Hawkesbury St, George St, B...
019 - Z/TP/H2/26 - Hawkesbury River Camping Lots - Peats Ferry Rd, Point Rd
029 - Z/TP/H2/37 - Allens No. 1 Estate (Milson Passage), Hawkesbury River, Brooklyn - No boundaries...
015 - Z/TP/H2/19 - Little Wobby Beach Estate - No street names provided. Adjacent to Little Wobby Be...
017 - Z/TP/H2/21 - Cheero Point Estate, The Hawkesbury - Milloo Pde, Cararma Parkway, Riverside Cres...
013 - Z/TP/H2/15 - [Map of] Broken Bay, surveyed by Capt. F.W. Sidney - No boundaries shown, [1875?]
014 - Z/TP/H2/17 - Milson Point, Hawkesbury River - Hawkesbury River, 1918
020 - Z/TP/H2/27 - Dangar Island, Hawkesbury River - Noetsfield Ave, Baroona St, Grantham Cres, Yall...
006 - Z/TP/H2/6 - Dangar Island, Hawkesbury River - Riverview Ave, Neotsfield Ave, Grantham Cres, Ba...
010 - Z/TP/H2/12 - Peats Ferry Township - Peat St, Cole St, Hawkesbury Cres, Amos St, Wharf St, 1887
016 - Z/TP/H2/20 - Township of Brooklyn, Hawkesbury River - Hawkesbury St, George St, Bridge St, Wil...
Australia, New South Wales, Broken Bay and Hawkesbury River / Surveyed by Nav. Lieut. Gowlland RN.,...
011 - Z/TP/H2/13 - Lilburndale Estate, Sackville Reach, Hawkesbury River - Hawkesbury River
007 - Z/TP/H2/7 - Hawkesbury Bridge Subdivision near Brooklyn - Cogra Bay near Hawkesbury Bridge, 19...
034 - Z/TP/H2/41 - The Lilburndale Estate Farms near Sackville Reach, Hawkesbury River - No boundari...