Lincoln ewes, Wagga Experimental Farm
Champion Lincoln ewe
Sheep show - Ryland ewe, front view
Abbotsford Quarantine Station: Lincoln Ewes
Ryeland ewe
Stud ewes, Oura, Wagga, Mullholland
Champion Border Leicester ewe, Wagga Show
Cowra Farm: Ryland ewes & lambs
Widgen Stud ram & ewe
Champion Dorset Horn ewe
Champion Rylands ewe No. 826
Coonong Stud ewes, Coonong
Lincoln ewes, Wagga Experimental Farm
Lincoln ewes, Wagga Experimental Farm
Abbotsford Quarantine Station: Ryeland Ewes
Lincoln Merino ewes four tooth, Wagga Experimental Farm
Group of Coonong Stud ewes
Champion fine wool Merino ewe
Stud ewes; Nyngan
Some stud ewes; Nyngan
Sheep show - Ryland ewe
Wagga Show - champion Shropshire ram and ewe
Cowra Farm: Ryland Ewes
Negretti Merino sheep
Wagga Show - champion Lincoln ram and ewe
Wagga Show - champion Border Leicester ram and ewe
Group of Merino ewes (180). Wagga Experimental Farm
A stud ewe, "Butterfly"
Grand champion Merino ewe No. 129
Abbotsford Quarantine Station: Ryeland Ewes
Lincoln ewes, Wagga Experimental Farm
Group of twenty stud ewes; Nyngan
Wagga Show - champion English Leicester ram and ewe
Twenty stud ewes: Nyngan
Small group of stud ewes; Nyngan
Sheep show - Dorset Horn grand champion ewe
Champion Merino ewe: novice medium wool No. 256
Portraits of a prize ram & ewe
Lincoln ewes, Wagga Experimental Farm
Lincoln ewe showing fleece, Wagga Experimental Farm
Abbotsford Quarantine Station: Ryeland Ewe
Abbotsford Quarantine Station: Lincoln Ewe
Champion Romney Marsh ewe
Pen of 3 Shropshire Shearling ewes
Lincoln ewes (shorn)
Abbotsford Quarantine Station: Ryeland Ewes
Wagga Show - champion Corriedale ram and ewe
Stud ewes, Widgen
Cowra Farm: Ryland Ewes
Champion Border Leicester ewe
Merino ewes with 1st cross lambs, Wagga Experimental Farm
A special stud ewe "Little Mary", Coree
Cowra Farm: Ryland ewes & lambs
Cowra Farm: Ryland Ewes
Reserved grand champion Merino ewe No. 204
Six Suffolk Shearling ewes
Reserved champion Merino ewe No. 123
Abbotsford Quarantine Station: Lincoln Ewe
Stud ewes, Nyngan
Champion Lincoln ewe, Wagga Show
Wagga Show - champion merino ram and ewe
Abbotsford Quarantine Station: Romney Ewes
Sheep show - champion Lincoln ewe
Southdown ewes
Champion Corriedale ewe
Group of stud ewes
Abbotsford Quarantine Station: Romney Ewes
Group of stud ewes
Champion fine wool Merino ewe
Border Leicester Lincoln Merino ewes, 4 tooth, Wagga Exp. Farm
Border Leicester Merino four tooth ewes, Wagga Experimental Farm