Metropolitan Dental Clinic School, fitting up new surgery
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Electrical trades
Electrical gadgets contrasted
Diagram of dry equipment
Electricians licensing examination
Electrical engineering exhibit
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Technical education
Correct methods of cleaning
Day Emergency class: Electrical fitting
Electrical gadgets contrasted
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Electrical gadgets contrasted
Department of Motor Transport
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Electrical equipment, Burwood office, Dept of Motor Transport
Department of Motor Transport
Electrical switch
Electronic control equipment
Electricians licensing examination
Approved electrical gear
Electrical trades apprentices
School of Electricity, Dept of Technical Education
School of Television Technics
First year students: electricity class
Electricians licensing examination
Electrical and wireless classes
Electrical and wireless classes
University of Technology: School of Chemistry
Electrical equipment, Burwood office, Dept of Motor Transport
School of Electricity, Dept of Technical Education
Electrical trades
Electronic control equipment
Electrical trades
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Newcastle Power House: looking down from power plant
Correct methods of cleaning
Electrical engineering exhibit
School of Electricity, Dept of Technical Education
Correct methods of cleaning
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Electrical equipment, Burwood office, Dept of Motor Transport
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Electrical and wireless classes
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Approved electrical gear
Electronic control equipment
Electrical equipment, Burwood office, Dept of Motor Transport
School of Electricity, Dept of Technical Education
Electrical gadgets contrasted
Correct methods of cleaning
Electronic control equipment
First year students: electricity class
Day Emergency Class: Electrical Armature Winding Shop
Electronic control equipment
Electrical trades apprentices
Department of Motor Transport
Department of Motor Transport
Electrical and wireless classes
School of Electricity, Dept of Technical Education
Electrical trades apprentices
Electrical equipment, Burwood office, Dept of Motor Transport
In the Delungra District
Technical education
Correct methods of cleaning
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Burwood Colliery: underground charging station for locos
Electrical engineering exhibit
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Approved electrical gear
Electrical gadgets contrasted
Approved electrical gear
Newcastle Power House: controller room
Electrical engineering exhibit
School of Electricity, Dept of Technical Education
Department of Motor Transport
School of Electricity, Dept of Technical Education
Electrical trades apprentices
School of Television Technics
Electrical trades apprentices
Electrical trades
School of Electricity, Dept of Technical Education
Electrical trades apprentices
Electrical and wireless classes
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
School of Electricity, Dept of Technical Education
School of Electricity, Dept of Technical Education
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Newcastle Power House: section of the controller room
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Approved electrical gear
Electrical switch
School of Electricity, Dept of Technical Education
Electricians licensing examination
Correct methods of cleaning
Electrical equipment, Burwood office, Dept of Motor Transport
Electronic control equipment