Tagebuch von Kapitän Cooks neueste...
Tagebuch von Kapitän Cooks neuester Reise um die Welt und in die südliche Hämisphäre in den Jahr...
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20 results
Showing 1 - 20 out of 20 grouped results
Showing 1 - 20 out of 20 grouped results
Tagebuch von Kapitän Cooks neueste...
Tagebuch von Kapitän Cooks neuester Reise um die Welt und in die südliche Hämisphäre in den Jahr...
Journal of the Resolution's voyage,...
Journal of the Resolution's voyage, in 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775, on discovery to the southern hemi...
An Historical account of all the vo...
An Historical account of all the voyages round the world performed by English navigators : including...
Journal of Captain Cook's last voya...
Journal of Captain Cook's last voyage to the Pacific Ocean on Discovery : performed in the years 177...
An authentic narrative of a voyage...
An authentic narrative of a voyage performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke, in His Majesty's sh...
An authentic narrative of a voyage...
An authentic narrative of a voyage performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke, in His Majesty's sh...
[Album of plates and charts from an...
[Album of plates and charts from an account of the voyages undertaken by the order of His Present Ma...
A collection of voyages round the w...
A collection of voyages round the world, performed by royal authority : containing a complete histor...
Supplément au voyage de M. de Boug...
Supplément au voyage de M. de Bougainville, ou, Journal d'un voyage autour du monde, fait par MM. B...
The re-enactment of Captain James C...
The re-enactment of Captain James Cook's landing at Kurnell.
Captain Cook bi-centenary celebrati...
Captain Cook bi-centenary celebrations : 200th anniversary of the discovery and exploration of the e...
Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undert...
Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken by the command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the...
A chart of the Southern Hemisphere thewing the Tracks of fome of the moft diftinguifhed Navigators....
Cook's second voyage atlas [Album v...
Cook's second voyage atlas [Album view]
History of the Hawaiian Islands : e...
History of the Hawaiian Islands : embracing their antiquities, legends, discovery by Europeans in th...
Travels and adventures of John Ledy...
Travels and adventures of John Ledyard : comprising his voyage with Capt. Cook's third and last expe...
Plates to Cook's third voyage [Albu...
Plates to Cook's third voyage [Album view]
Captain Cook : his life and voyages...
Captain Cook : his life and voyages, services to New Holland and to man : a biographical sketch
Navigazioni di Cook pel grande ocea...
Navigazioni di Cook pel grande oceano e intorno al globo... [Album view]
Sketch of Botany Bay in New South Wales [cartographic material] : latitude 34°00' S [Album view]