Regulations for hiring probation pa...
Regulations for hiring probation pass-holders in Van Diemen's Land.
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32 results
Showing 1 - 32 out of 32 grouped results
Showing 1 - 32 out of 32 grouped results
Regulations for hiring probation pa...
Regulations for hiring probation pass-holders in Van Diemen's Land.
A Brief word of advice to the men w...
A Brief word of advice to the men who disembarked at Hobart Town : from the ship "Earl Grey" on the...
Transportation to Van Dieman's land...
Transportation to Van Dieman's land 1846-50.
Regulations for hiring pass-holders in Van Diemens' Land
Letters of Dion.
Letters of Dion.
A letter from Mr. John Frost to his...
A letter from Mr. John Frost to his wife from Port Arthur... : in which he gives an account of his v...
Half yearly return : run-a-way convicts
Rules and regulations for the first...
Rules and regulations for the first stage of convict probation in Van Diemen's Land.
The 57th Section of the Act in Council : 6 Wm. IV, No. 2, intituled "An act to consolidate and amend...
Extract from Melville's work, on Tasmania.
The victims of Whiggery : being a s...
The victims of Whiggery : being a statement of the persecutions experienced by the Dorchester Labour...
A system of penal discipline : with...
A system of penal discipline : with a report on the treatment of prisoners in Great Britain and Van...
Extracts from the Hobart Town gazet...
Extracts from the Hobart Town gazette.
American citizens-- prisoners in Va...
American citizens-- prisoners in Van Dieman's Land : message from the President of the United States...
Van Diemen's Land : copies of all c...
Van Diemen's Land : copies of all correspondence with the Colonial Office, on the subject of the off...
Van Diemen's Land (convict discipli...
Van Diemen's Land (convict discipline) : copies or extracts of any correspondence between the Secret...
Secondary punishment (New South Wal...
Secondary punishment (New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land) : return to an address of the Honourabl...
An act to consolidate and amend cer...
An act to consolidate and amend certain of the laws relating to the Courts of General Quarter Sessio...
A letter to Her Majesty, the Britis...
A letter to Her Majesty, the British Queen with letters to Lord Durham, Lord Glenelg and Sir George...
An act to amend the act lately pass...
An act to amend the act lately passed for the more perfect constitution of courts of general quarter...
The victims of Whiggery : being a s...
The victims of Whiggery : being a statement of the persecutions experienced by the Dorchester Labour...
Defence of transportation : in repl...
Defence of transportation : in reply to the remarks of the Archbishop of Dublin in his second letter...
Van Diemen's Land (convict discipli...
Van Diemen's Land (convict discipline) : copies or extracts of correspondence between the Secretary...
The victims of Whiggery : being a s...
The victims of Whiggery : being a statement of the persecutions experienced by the Dorchester Labour...
The victims of Whiggery : being a s...
The victims of Whiggery : being a statement of the persecutions experienced by the Dorchester Labour...
The awful confession and execution...
The awful confession and execution of Edward Broughton and Matthew Maccavoy : who were executed at H...
The history of the island of Van Di...
The history of the island of Van Diemen's Land, from the year 1824 to 1835 inclusive : to which is a...
Remarks on the transportation quest...
Remarks on the transportation question
Papers, 6 July 1838.
Papers, 6 July 1838.
Encounter with bushrangers in Van D...
Encounter with bushrangers in Van Dieman's Land
Observations upon secondary punishm...
Observations upon secondary punishments
An essay on prison discipline : in...
An essay on prison discipline : in which is detailed the system pursued in Van Diemen's Land