Another protest against Sir Sir [si...
Another protest against Sir Sir [sic] Arthur Gordon's mendacity and misrepresenation.
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10 results
Showing 1 - 10 out of 10 grouped results
Showing 1 - 10 out of 10 grouped results
Another protest against Sir Sir [si...
Another protest against Sir Sir [sic] Arthur Gordon's mendacity and misrepresenation.
British despotism in the South Sea...
British despotism in the South Sea Islands and the persecution of Mr. W.J. Hunt by Sir Arthur Gordon...
South sea massacres
South sea massacres
Ordinances of the Colony of Fiji :...
Ordinances of the Colony of Fiji : from the 1st September 1875, the date of the proclamation of the...
Fiji in 1881 : some of the reasons...
Fiji in 1881 : some of the reasons why a Royal Commission should be sent from England.
A letter from the Hon. John Bryce t...
A letter from the Hon. John Bryce to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, respecting conduct of...
Fiji : remarks on the address deliv...
Fiji : remarks on the address delivered by Sir Arthur Gordon, G.C.M.G., at the Colonial Institute, M...
Extracts from the "Fiji Times" and...
Extracts from the "Fiji Times" and the "Fiji Argus", from June, 1875 to September, 1880.
Fiji in 1877 : the first three year...
Fiji in 1877 : the first three years since annexation under Governor Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, or,...
The bane of Sir Arthur Gordon's dis...
The bane of Sir Arthur Gordon's disingenous utterances and the antidote of the " Fiji Times" editori...