Lesson's petrel
Wild in fancy dress as Sir Walter Raleigh . En route to Antarctica
A deck view on the "Aurora" on voyage south
Dirt band in face of an iceberg
McLean & Mertz boxing on the voyage to Antarctica
Brash bergs
Snap shot on deck, frozen mutton
Feeding the ice tank
Unfurling sail aloft, S.Y. Aurora
The sailors' barber
A Rorqual
Scene at the stern of the "Toroa" en route to Macquarie Island
Passing an iceberg
Albatross head
Photo on Aurora en route south
Sailors on deck
View of the roof of the "Aurora" galley & laboratories. Taken between Macquarie Island & Antarctica
The wall of the forty-mile berg
A small floe berg
View of the "Aurora"'s bridge
En route south. Preparing sledge harness on deck. Mawson, Wild & Murphy
Crab-eater seals in the pack ice
An iceberg
One of the sailors in the ship's bow
A glimpse of the "Aurora's" [Aurora] in the voyage south
A sea-scape in the Southern Seas
An albatross on the wing
On the bridge of the "Toroa" en route to Macquarie Island
A sea-scape in the Southern Seas
The "Look-out" in the crow's nest, S.Y. Aurora
A Rorqual
Albatross head, photographed on deck
Sailing south. Note the harness casks
Adelie penguins joy riding
Ninnis & Mawson on the deck of the S.Y.Aurora on voyage down
Albatross head
Damaged bridge of the Aurora
Albatross on deck; Stillwell, Harrisson & Hunter
Robert Bage on the "Aurora" en route south
The bowsprit of the "Aurora"
The damaged bridge of the Aurora
View of pack ice from just outside its margin
Snapshot on deck, S.Y. Aurora
At the end of the bowsprit on voyage from Macquarie Island to Adelie Land
Gray standing by the Monagasque Trawl
Wall of the forty mile berg