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Pilotage. Abstract "of returns relating to pilots and pilotage in the United Kingdom (in continuatio...

Pilotage. Abstract "of returns relating to pilots and pilotage in the United Kingdom (in continuatio...


Pilotage. Abstract "of returns relating to pilots and pilotage in the United Kingdom (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, no. 159, of session 1887)"-[as furnished by the various pilotage authorities]. (Year ended 31st December 1887): -1.- Of all bye-laws, regulations, orders, or ordinances relating to pilots or pilotage for the time being in force, issued by the respective pilotage authorities in the United Kingdom: -2.- Of the names and ages of the pilots or apprentices licensed or authorised to act by the respective pilotage authorities, and of all pilots or apprentices acting either mediately or immediately under such authorities, whether so licensed or authorised or not: -3.- Of the service for which each pilot or apprentice is licensed: -4.- Of the rates of pilotage for the time being in force at the ports under the jurisdiction of the respective pilotage authorities, including therein the rates and descriptions of all charges upon shipping made for or in respect of pilots or pilotage: -5.- Of the total amount received for pilotage at the respective ports aforesaid; distinguishing the several amounts received from British ships and from foreign ships respectively, and the several amounts received in respect of different classes of ships paying different rates of pilotage, according to the scale of such rates for the time being in force, and the several amounts received for the several classes of service rendered by pilots; and also the amount paid by such ships (if any) as have, before reaching the outer limits of pilotage water if outward bound, or their port of destination if inward bound, to take or pay for two or more pilots, whether licensed by the same or by different pilotage authorities; together with the numbers of the ships of each of the several classes paying such several amounts as aforesaid: -6.- Of the receipt and expenditure of all monies (if any) received by or on behalf of the respective pilotage authorities aforesaid, or by or on behalf of any sub-commissioners appointed by them, in respect of pilors or pilotage [electronic resource].

About this item

Full title

Pilotage. Abstract "of returns relating to pilots and pilotage in the United Kingdom (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, no. 159, of session 1887)"-[as furnished by the various pilotage authorities]. (Year ended 31st December 1887): -1.- Of all bye-laws, regulations, orders, or ordinances relating to pilots or pilotage for the time being in force, issued by the respective pilotage authorities in the United Kingdom: -2.- Of the names and ages of the pilots or apprentices licensed or authorised to act by the respective pilotage authorities, and of all pilots or apprentices acting either mediately or immediately under such authorities, whether so licensed or authorised or not: -3.- Of the service for which each pilot or apprentice is licensed: -4.- Of the rates of pilotage for the time being in force at the ports under the jurisdiction of the respective pilotage authorities, including therein the rates and descriptions of all charges upon shipping made for or in respect of pilots or pilotage: -5.- Of the total amount received for pilotage at the respective ports aforesaid; distinguishing the several amounts received from British ships and from foreign ships respectively, and the several amounts received in respect of different classes of ships paying different rates of pilotage, according to the scale of such rates for the time being in force, and the several amounts received for the several classes of service rendered by pilots; and also the amount paid by such ships (if any) as have, before reaching the outer limits of pilotage water if outward bound, or their port of destination if inward bound, to take or pay for two or more pilots, whether licensed by the same or by different pilotage authorities; together with the numbers of the ships of each of the several classes paying such several amounts as aforesaid: -6.- Of the receipt and expenditure of all monies (if any) received by or on behalf of the respective pilotage authorities aforesaid, or by or on behalf of any sub-commissioners appointed by them, in respect of pilors or pilotage [electronic resource].


[London] : House of Commons, 1888.

Alternative title

Cockton index title: Abstract Return of Bye-Laws and Regulations relating to Pilots and Pilotage.



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Physical Description


Vol.XC.499, 146 pp.

Publication information


[London] : House of Commons, 1888.

Place of Publication

United Kingdom

Date Published


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Available for use in the Library. Available from home to registered NSW residents.

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Subject Keywords

  • Electronic documents

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Alternative Titles

Full title

Pilotage. Abstract "of returns relating to pilots and pilotage in the United Kingdom (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, no. 159, of session 1887)"-[as furnished by the various pilotage authorities]. (Year ended 31st December 1887): -1.- Of all bye-laws, regulations, orders, or ordinances relating to pilots or pilotage for the time being in fo...

Authors, Artists and Contributors

General note

Title from front cover.

Reproduction note

1 online resource (146 p.: Table). Cambridge, UK.

Original version note

Transcribed from: Pilotage. Abstract "of returns relating to pilots and pilotage in the United Kingdom (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, no. 159, of session 1887)"-[as furnished by the various pilotage authorities]. (Year ended 31st December 1887): -1.- Of all bye-laws, regulations, orders, or ordinances relating to pilots or pilotage for t...


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