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Return to an order of the Honourable House of Commons, dated 12 June 1816; for an account of the act...

Return to an order of the Honourable House of Commons, dated 12 June 1816; for an account of the act...


Return to an order of the Honourable House of Commons, dated 12 June 1816; for an account of the actual expense which has been incurred in building a new tunnel sewer, under the authorities of the act of the 53d of the King, c. 121, for the drainage of Mary-le-Bone Park, and the proposed new street; and an estimate of the expense of completing the same; specifying what part of such expenses have been paid, and what remains still to be paid, on account of the works actually done; also, whether the said work was done by contract, and the terms of the contract, and whether any and what additional claims have been made by the contractor; and whether any and what sum has been allowed to him, and whether his accounts have been finally settled [electronic resource].

About this item

Full title

Return to an order of the Honourable House of Commons, dated 12 June 1816; for an account of the actual expense which has been incurred in building a new tunnel sewer, under the authorities of the act of the 53d of the King, c. 121, for the drainage of Mary-le-Bone Park, and the proposed new street; and an estimate of the expense of completing the same; specifying what part of such expenses have been paid, and what remains still to be paid, on account of the works actually done; also, whether the said work was done by contract, and the terms of the contract, and whether any and what additional claims have been made by the contractor; and whether any and what sum has been allowed to him, and whether his accounts have been finally settled [electronic resource].


[London] : House of Commons, 1816.

Alternative title

Cockton index title: Account of Expense of building Tunnel Sewer under Act for Drainage of Marylebone Park.



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Physical Description


Vol.XII, 4 pp.

Publication information


[London] : House of Commons, 1816.

Place of Publication

United Kingdom

Date Published


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Available for use in the Library. Available from home to registered NSW residents.

Copyright (c) ProQuest LLC 2008. All rights reserved.


Subject Keywords

  • Electronic documents

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Alternative Titles

Full title

Return to an order of the Honourable House of Commons, dated 12 June 1816; for an account of the actual expense which has been incurred in building a new tunnel sewer, under the authorities of the act of the 53d of the King, c. 121, for the drainage of Mary-le-Bone Park, and the proposed new street; and an estimate of the expense of completing the...

Authors, Artists and Contributors

General note

Title from back cover.

Reproduction note

1 online resource (4 p.). Cambridge, UK.

Original version note

Transcribed from: Return to an order of the Honourable House of Commons, dated 12 June 1816; for an account of the actual expense which has been incurred in building a new tunnel sewer, under the authorities of the act of the 53d of the King, c. 121, for the drainage of Mary-le-Bone Park, and the proposed new street; and an estimate of the expense...


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