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Public bills. Return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 3 February 1913;--for...

Public bills. Return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 3 February 1913;--for...


Public bills. Return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 3 February 1913;--for, return "of the number of public bills, distinguishing government from other bills, introduced into this house, or brought from the House of Lords, during session 1912-13; showing the number which received the Royal Assent; the number which were passed by this house, but not by the House of Lords; the number passed by the House of Lords, but not by this house; and distinguishing the stages at which such bills as did not receive the Royal Assent were dropped or postponed and rejected in either House of Parliament (in continuation of parliamentary paper, no. 0.205, of session 1911)." [electronic resource].

About this item

Full title

Public bills. Return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 3 February 1913;--for, return "of the number of public bills, distinguishing government from other bills, introduced into this house, or brought from the House of Lords, during session 1912-13; showing the number which received the Royal Assent; the number which were passed by this house, but not by the House of Lords; the number passed by the House of Lords, but not by this house; and distinguishing the stages at which such bills as did not receive the Royal Assent were dropped or postponed and rejected in either House of Parliament (in continuation of parliamentary paper, no. 0.205, of session 1911)." [electronic resource].


[London] : House of Commons, 1913.

Alternative title

1910, 1912: Return of the Number of Public Bills, distinguishing Government from other Bills, introduced into this House, or brought from the House of Lords, showing the Number which received the Royal Assent; the Number which were Passed by this House, but not by the House of Lords; the Number Passed by the House of Lords, but not by this House; and distinguishing the Stages at which such Bills as did not receive the Royal Assent were Dropped or Postponed and Rejected in either House of Parliament (in continuation of No. (0.123) of 1909). (Bills Public: House of Commons: Bills, Public)



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Physical Description


Vol.LXVII, 10 pp.

Publication information


[London] : House of Commons, 1913.

Place of Publication

United Kingdom

Date Published


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Available for use in the Library. Available from home to registered NSW residents.

Copyright (c) ProQuest LLC 2010. All rights reserved.


Subject Keywords

  • Electronic documents
  • Bills, public / Bills public / Public Bills / Central Government and administration / House of Commons

More information

Alternative Titles

Full title

Public bills. Return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 3 February 1913;--for, return "of the number of public bills, distinguishing government from other bills, introduced into this house, or brought from the House of Lords, during session 1912-13; showing the number which received the Royal Assent; the number which were pas...

Authors, Artists and Contributors

General note

Title from front cover.

Reproduction note

1 online resource (10 p.: Table).

Original version note

Transcribed from: Public bills. Return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 3 February 1913;--for, return "of the number of public bills, distinguishing government from other bills, introduced into this house, or brought from the House of Lords, during session 1912-13; showing the number which received the Royal Assent; the nu...


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