Australian code for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail (ADG code) / [prepared by the...
Australian code for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail (ADG code) / [prepared by the National Road Transport Commission in conjunction with the Advisory Committee on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and the Federal Office of Road Safety].
About this item
Full title
Canberra : Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1998.
Call Numbers
NQ363.1762/5 (SET)
Record Identifier
Physical Description
Physical content
2 v. ; 30 cm. + corrigendum.
v. 1. Requirements and recommendations--v. 2. Technical appendices.
Volume 1. Requirements and recommendations -- Readers guide -- chapter 1. Interpretation and application -- division 1.1. Intrepretation -- division 1.2. Application of this code -- ch. 2. Classification and other key concepts -- division 2.1. Classification of dangerous goods -- division 2.2. Namin...
3.6. Packaging construction standards -- division 3.7. Performance testing -- division 3.8. Special provisions for packaging of particular classes of dangerous goods -- division 3.9. Used packagings -- ch. 4. Bulk containers -- division 4.1. Restrictions on transport in bulk -- division 4.2. General...
4.7. Transport of organic peroxides and self-reactive and related substances -- division 4.8. Maintenance of bulk containers -- division 4.9. Attachment systems -- ch. 5. Freight containers -- ch. 6. Unit loads -- ch. 7. Marking and placarding -- division 7.1. Format of labels and emergency informat...
9.1. Segregation of incompatible goods -- division 9.2. Separation between goods on rail wagons and marshalling of rolling stock -- division 9.3. Stowage -- division 9.4. Transport of dangerous goods on passenger trains -- ch. 10. Transfer of bulk dangerous goods -- division 10.1. Hose assemblies --...
10.7. Transfer of dangerous goods of class 3 (flammable liquids) -- ch. 11. Documentation -- division 11.1. Shipping documentation -- division 11.2. Emergency information -- ch. 12. Safety equipment -- ch. 13. Procedures during transport -- division 13.1. Breakdowns -- division 13.2. General precaut...
14. Emergencies -- schedule 1. Rail (Dangerous Goods) Rules -- attachment 1. Road Transport Reform (Dangerous Goods) Regulations -- v. 2. Technical appendices -- 1. Numerical list of dangerous goods -- 2. Alphabetical list of dangerous goods -- 3. List of special provisions -- 4. Hazchem codes -- 5....
Publication information
Canberra : Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1998.
6th ed.
Date Published
Access and use
Access Conditions
Commonwealth of Australia 1998.
More information
Alternative Titles
Full title
Australian code for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail (ADG code) / [prepared by the National Road Transport Commission in conjunction with the Advisory Committee on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and the Federal Office of Road Safety].
Cover title
Australian dangerous goods code.
Authors, Artists and Contributors
General note
Approved by the Ministerial Council for Road Transport and endorsed by the Australian Transport Council, 1 January 1998.
Electronic version available early 1998 from the Federal Office of Road Safety on CDROM, also 3 supplements to the Code and the guidance notes for The transport of class 6.2 (infectious diseases) dangerous goods.
Primary Identifiers
Call Numbers
NQ363.1762/5 (SET)
Record Identifier
Other Identifiers
0642255601(v. 2)
9780642414861 (corrigendum)
0642414866 (corrigendum)
9780642255549(v. 1)
0642255547(v. 1)
9780642255600(v. 2)