A brave and valiant sea-fight, upon the coast of Cornewall, the 17. of Iune last past [electronic re...
A brave and valiant sea-fight, upon the coast of Cornewall, the 17. of Iune last past [electronic resource] : betwixt three Turkish pyrats, men of warre, and onely one English merchants ship of Plimouth, (called the Elizabeth) being not above 200. tun. Wherein they all behaved themselves so valiantly, that (after a long and bloudy fight) they quit their ship out of the hands of the cruell Turke, with the losse only of three men, but slue many of the Turks, to their everlasting honour. Written from Plimouth by a good hand, and exemplified for the delight of the reader.
About this item
Full title
Author / Creator
London : Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet] for Nathanael Butter, July 14. 1640. with priviledge, [1640]
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[32] p. : ill. (woodcut)
Publication information
London : Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet] for Nathanael Butter, July 14. 1640. with priviledge, [1640]
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Available for use in the Library. Available from home to registered NSW residents.
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Alternative Titles
Full title
A brave and valiant sea-fight, upon the coast of Cornewall, the 17. of Iune last past [electronic resource] : betwixt three Turkish pyrats, men of warre, and onely one English merchants ship of Plimouth, (called the Elizabeth) being not above 200. tun. Wherein they all behaved themselves so valiantly, that (after a long and bloudy fight) they quit...
Authors, Artists and Contributors
Author / Creator
Author / Artists
General note
Signed on C4r: Iohn Taylor.
A reissue, with cancel title page and quire D added, of "A valorous and perillous sea-fight". The added quire contains "Another relation (of the former sea-fight)" signed: Tho: Salter.
Printers' names from STC; Alsop and Fawcet printed the addition.
Signatures: A-D⁴.
The last leaf is blank.
Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery....
Citation / References Note
STC (2nd ed.) 23809.5.
Additional physical form availability note
Also available in microfilm held offsite at RAV/FM4/56.
Reproduction note
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1999- (Early English books online) Digital version of: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1036:7)
Primary Identifiers
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