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House Purchase and Housing Bill [as amended in committee]. A bill [as amended in committee] to autho...

House Purchase and Housing Bill [as amended in committee]. A bill [as amended in committee] to autho...


House Purchase and Housing Bill [as amended in committee]. A bill [as amended in committee] to authorise Exchequer advances to, and the deposit of trust funds with, designated building societies; to enlarge the power of local authorities to make advances under the Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts, 1899 to 1923, the Small Dwellings Acquisition (Scotland) Acts, 1899 to 1923, section forty-three of the Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1958, and section seventy-five of the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1950; to make further provision for grants by local authorities and Exchequer contributions to local authorities towards the improvement of dwelling to amend the provisions of the said Act of 1958 and the said Act of 1950, with respect to Exchequer contribution and grants by local authorities towards the provision of dwellings and with respect to the conditions to be observed where assistance has been given under part II of the said Act of 1958 or part VII of the said Act of 1950; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid [electronic resource].

About this item

Full title

House Purchase and Housing Bill [as amended in committee]. A bill [as amended in committee] to authorise Exchequer advances to, and the deposit of trust funds with, designated building societies; to enlarge the power of local authorities to make advances under the Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts, 1899 to 1923, the Small Dwellings Acquisition (Scotland) Acts, 1899 to 1923, section forty-three of the Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1958, and section seventy-five of the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1950; to make further provision for grants by local authorities and Exchequer contributions to local authorities towards the improvement of dwelling to amend the provisions of the said Act of 1958 and the said Act of 1950, with respect to Exchequer contribution and grants by local authorities towards the provision of dwellings and with respect to the conditions to be observed where assistance has been given under part II of the said Act of 1958 or part VII of the said Act of 1950; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid [electronic resource].


[London] : House of Commons, 1959.

Alternative title

Bill [passed, cap. 33] to authorise Exchequer advances to, and the deposit of trust fund with, approved building societies; to increase the amounts which local authorities are authorised to advance under the Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts, 1899 to 1923, the Small Dwellings Acquisition (Scotland) Acts, 1899 to 1923, section forty-three of the Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1958, and section seventy-five of the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1950; to make further provision for grants by local authorities and Exchequer contributions to local authorities towards the improvement of dwellings; to amend the provisions of the said Act of 1958 and the said Act of 1950, with respect to Exchequer contributions and grants by local authorities towards the provisions of dwellings by the conversion of houses and other building and towards the improvement of dwellings, and with respect to the conditions to be observed where assistance has been given under Part II of the said Act of 1958 or Part VII of the said Act of 1950; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid: [as amended in Committee] (House Purchase and Housing)



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Physical Description


Vol.II, 28 pp.

Publication information


[London] : House of Commons, 1959.

Place of Publication

United Kingdom

Date Published


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Available for use in the Library. Available from home to registered NSW residents.

Copyright (c) ProQuest LLC 2010. All rights reserved.


Subject Keywords

  • House purchase and housing / Housing / Local government / Building societies / Exchequer
  • Electronic documents

More information

Alternative Titles

Full title

House Purchase and Housing Bill [as amended in committee]. A bill [as amended in committee] to authorise Exchequer advances to, and the deposit of trust funds with, designated building societies; to enlarge the power of local authorities to make advances under the Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts, 1899 to 1923, the Small Dwellings Acquisition (Scot...

Authors, Artists and Contributors

General note

Title from back cover.

Reproduction note

1 online resource (28 p.: Table).

Original version note

Transcribed from: House Purchase and Housing Bill [as amended in committee]. A bill [as amended in committee] to authorise Exchequer advances to, and the deposit of trust funds with, designated building societies; to enlarge the power of local authorities to make advances under the Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts, 1899 to 1923, the Small Dwelling...


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