A most grave, and modest confutation of the errors of the sect, commonly called Brownists, or: Seper...
A most grave, and modest confutation of the errors of the sect, commonly called Brownists, or: Seperatists [electronic resource] : Agreed upon long since by the joynt consent of sundry, godly, and learned ministers of this kingdome, then standing out and suffering in the cause of inconformity; and now published in a time of need, for the good of Gods Church, and the better setling of mens unstable mindes in the truth against, the subtile insinuations, and plausible pretences of that pernicious evill. Published by W. Rathband, minister of the Gospell.
About this item
Full title
Author / Creator
London : printed for Edward Brewster, and George Badger, and are to be sold at the Bible, on Fleet-Bridge, and in Saint Dunstanes Church-Yard, 1644.
Record Identifier
Physical Description
Physical content
[22], 71, [1] p.
Publication information
London : printed for Edward Brewster, and George Badger, and are to be sold at the Bible, on Fleet-Bridge, and in Saint Dunstanes Church-Yard, 1644.
Place of Publication
Date Published
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Available for use in the Library. Available from home to registered NSW residents.
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Alternative Titles
Full title
A most grave, and modest confutation of the errors of the sect, commonly called Brownists, or: Seperatists [electronic resource] : Agreed upon long since by the joynt consent of sundry, godly, and learned ministers of this kingdome, then standing out and suffering in the cause of inconformity; and now published in a time of need, for the good of Go...
Caption title
Church of Engl. is a true church of Christ Church of England is a true church of Christ.
Authors, Artists and Contributors
Author / Creator
Author / Artists
General note
The words "Brownists, or: Seperatists." are bracketed together on title page.
The first leaf is blank.
Identified on UMI microfilm "Early English books, 1475-1640" reel 566 as STC 10398, on UMI microfilm "Early English books, 1641-1700" reel 234 as Wing R299, and on reel 1692 as Wing M2893.
British library copy imperfect: lacks title page.
Thomason annotation: the 4 in imprint date is crossed out and altered to 1643; "February 5th"....
Citation / References Note
Wing (2nd ed.) R299.
Wing (2nd ed.) M2893.
Thomason E.31[11].
Additional physical form availability note
Also available in microfilm held offsite at RAV/FM4/56.
Reproduction note
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1999- (Early English books online) Digital version of: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 566:10)
Primary Identifiers
Record Identifier
Other Identifiers