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Post Office. A bill [as amended by Standing Committee D] to abolish the office of master of the Post...

Post Office. A bill [as amended by Standing Committee D] to abolish the office of master of the Post...


Post Office. A bill [as amended by Standing Committee D] to abolish the office of master of the Post Office, distribute the business conducted by the holder thereof amongst authorities constituted for the purpose and make provision consequential on the abolition of that office and the distribution of the business so conducted; to amend, replace or repeal certain provisions of the enactments relating to posts, telegraphs and savings banks; to amend the law relating to stamp duty; and to empower the Treasury to dispose of their interest in the shares of Cable and Wireless Limited [electronic resource].

About this item

Full title

Post Office. A bill [as amended by Standing Committee D] to abolish the office of master of the Post Office, distribute the business conducted by the holder thereof amongst authorities constituted for the purpose and make provision consequential on the abolition of that office and the distribution of the business so conducted; to amend, replace or repeal certain provisions of the enactments relating to posts, telegraphs and savings banks; to amend the law relating to stamp duty; and to empower the Treasury to dispose of their interest in the shares of Cable and Wireless Limited [electronic resource].


[London] : House of Commons, 1969.

Alternative title

Bill [passed, cap. 48] to abolish the office of master of the Post Office, distribute the business conducted by the holder thereof amongst authorities constituted for the purpose and make provision consequential on the abolition of that office and the distribution of the business so conducted; to amend, replace or repeal certain provisions of the enactments relating to posts, telegraphs and savings banks; to amend the law relating to stamp duty; and to empower the Treasury to dispose of their interest in the shares of Cable and Wireless Limited; [as amended by Standing Committee D]



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Physical Description


Vol.III, 270 pp.

Publication information


[London] : House of Commons, 1969.

Place of Publication

United Kingdom

Date Published


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Available for use in the Library. Available from home to registered NSW residents.

Copyright (c) ProQuest LLC 2010. All rights reserved.


Subject Keywords

  • Post Office / Communications and mass media
  • Electronic documents

More information

Alternative Titles

Full title

Post Office. A bill [as amended by Standing Committee D] to abolish the office of master of the Post Office, distribute the business conducted by the holder thereof amongst authorities constituted for the purpose and make provision consequential on the abolition of that office and the distribution of the business so conducted; to amend, replace or...

Authors, Artists and Contributors

General note

Title from back cover.

Reproduction note

1 online resource (270 p.: Table).

Original version note

Transcribed from: Post Office. A bill [as amended by Standing Committee D] to abolish the office of master of the Post Office, distribute the business conducted by the holder thereof amongst authorities constituted for the purpose and make provision consequential on the abolition of that office and the distribution of the business so conducted; to...


Primary Identifiers

Record Identifier




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