Every man his own lawyer: or, a summary of the laws of England [electronic resource] : in a new and...
Every man his own lawyer: or, a summary of the laws of England [electronic resource] : in a new and instructive method, under the following Heads, Viz. I. Of Actions and Remedies, Writs, Process, Arrests, and Bail. II. Of Courts, Attornies and Solicitors therein, Juries, Witnesses, Trials, Executions, &c. III. Of Estates and Property in Lands and Goods, and how acquired; Ancestors, Heirs, Executors and Administrators. IV. Of the Laws relating to Marriage, Bastardy, Infants, Ideots, Lunaticks. V. Of the Liberty of the Subject, Magna Charta, the Habeas Corpus Act, and other Statutes. VI. Of the King and his Prerogative, the Queen and Prince, Peers, Judges, Sheriffs, Coroners, Justices of Peace, Constables, &c. Vii. Of publick Offences, treason, Murder, Felony, Burglary, Robbery, Rape, Sodomy, Forgery, Perjury, &c. And their Punishment. All of them so plainly treated of that all Manner of Persons may be particularly acquainted with our Laws and Statutes, concerning Civil and Criminal Affairs, and know how to defend Themselves and their Estates and Fortunes; In all Cases whatsoever.
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Author / Creator
London : printed by H. Woodfall and W. Strahan, Law-Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty; for W. Strahan, J. Rivington, L. Hawes and Co. R. Horsfield, W. Johnston, T. Caslon, T. Longman, T. Denham, J. Fuller, sen. and C. Ware, M.DCC.LXV. [1765]
M.DCC.LXV. [1765]
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[2],vi,482,[18]p. ; 8°.
Publication information
London : printed by H. Woodfall and W. Strahan, Law-Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty; for W. Strahan, J. Rivington, L. Hawes and Co. R. Horsfield, W. Johnston, T. Caslon, T. Longman, T. Denham, J. Fuller, sen. and C. Ware, M.DCC.LXV. [1765]
The sixth edition, corrected and improved with many additions ..
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Date Published
M.DCC.LXV. [1765]
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Available for use in the Library. Available from home to registered NSW residents.
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Alternative Titles
Full title
Every man his own lawyer: or, a summary of the laws of England [electronic resource] : in a new and instructive method, under the following Heads, Viz. I. Of Actions and Remedies, Writs, Process, Arrests, and Bail. II. Of Courts, Attornies and Solicitors therein, Juries, Witnesses, Trials, Executions, &c. III. Of Estates and Property in Lands and G...
Authors, Artists and Contributors
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Author / Artists
General note
Braces in imprint.
Dedication signed: G. J., i.e. Giles Jacob.
Reproduction of original from Harvard University Law Library.
With an initial advertisement leaf.
Citation / References Note
ESTC N9503.
Additional physical form availability note
Also available in microfilm held offsite at RAV/FM4/51.
Reproduction note
Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.
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