Jesus Christ, the same to day, as yesterday, in life and power, in afflictions and sufferings: [elec...
Jesus Christ, the same to day, as yesterday, in life and power, in afflictions and sufferings: [electronic resource] : and the seed of the serpent the same now, as ever, in darkness and emnity; in rage and persecution. Being for removal of the stumbling block out of the way of the simple, concerning the testimony now given against the priests, and their worships, (viz.) Cannot you let them alone, why do ye disturb them, and their assemblies? go unto their houses, or to some private place, and speak to them there; cannot you give the same liberty to others, which you would have yourselves? Wherein is manifested, that what estimation, and enterrainment [sic] the witness of Jesus receiveth at this day from the men of the world, is the same, as it hath alwayes been from the beginning. / Given forth for the sake of the honest-hearted, and in witness of the truth, as it is in Jesus, every where spoken against, scorned, and persecuted, under the reproachful name of quaking. George Bishop.
About this item
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Author / Creator
London; : Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread Eagle at the west-end of Pauls, 1655.
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Physical Description
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28 [i.e. 29], [3] p.
Publication information
London; : Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread Eagle at the west-end of Pauls, 1655.
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Available for use in the Library. Available from home to registered NSW residents.
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Full title
Jesus Christ, the same to day, as yesterday, in life and power, in afflictions and sufferings: [electronic resource] : and the seed of the serpent the same now, as ever, in darkness and emnity; in rage and persecution. Being for removal of the stumbling block out of the way of the simple, concerning the testimony now given against the priests, and...
Authors, Artists and Contributors
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Author / Artists
General note
P. 29 misnumbered 28.
In the British Library copy the last leaf bears errata identical to those found on D3v (signed D4v), but with a heading "Friends, by reason of the authors absence; .." in place of "Errata"; it may have been intended as a slip cancel. This final leaf is included in the reported pagination.
Reproduction of the original in the British Library....
Citation / References Note
Wing (2nd ed., 1994) B2995.
Thomason E.861[7].
Additional physical form availability note
Also available in microfilm held offsite at RAV/FM4/117.
Reproduction note
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1999- (Early English books online) Digital version of: (Thomason Tracts ; 130:E861[7])
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