The melancholy narrative of the distressful voyage and miraculous deliverance of Captain David Harri...
The melancholy narrative of the distressful voyage and miraculous deliverance of Captain David Harrison, [electronic resource] : of the sloop, Peggy, of New York, on his voyage from Fyal, one of the western islands, to New-York, who Having lost all his Sails in a long Series of hard Weather, and entirely exhausted his Provisions, lived two and forty Days without receiving the least Food, till he was happily relieved by the Humanity of Capt. Evers of the Susanna, in the Virginia Trade. - In this Narrative the Expedients which Capt. Harrison and his Men made Use of for their Subsistence are particularly set forth, who twice cast Lots for their Lives, and were to have killed the second Man on the very Morning they were providentially taken up. - The Whole being authenticated in the strongest Manner, by repeated Depositions, Before the Right Hon. George Nelson, Esq. Lord-Mayor of the City of London, and Mr. Robert Shank, Notary Public. Written by himself.
About this item
Full title
Author / Creator
London : printed for James Harrison, opposite Stationers' Hall, Ludgate-Street, MDCCLXVI. [1766]
MDCCLXVI. [1766]
Record Identifier
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[4],67,[1]p. ; 8°.
Publication information
London : printed for James Harrison, opposite Stationers' Hall, Ludgate-Street, MDCCLXVI. [1766]
Place of Publication
Date Published
MDCCLXVI. [1766]
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Available for use in the Library. Available from home to registered NSW residents.
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Alternative Titles
Full title
The melancholy narrative of the distressful voyage and miraculous deliverance of Captain David Harrison, [electronic resource] : of the sloop, Peggy, of New York, on his voyage from Fyal, one of the western islands, to New-York, who Having lost all his Sails in a long Series of hard Weather, and entirely exhausted his Provisions, lived two and fort...
Authors, Artists and Contributors
Author / Creator
Author / Artists
General note
Reproduction of original from British Library.
With a half-title.
Citation / References Note
ESTC T68606.
Additional physical form availability note
Also available in microfilm held offsite at RAV/FM4/51.
Reproduction note
Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.
Primary Identifiers
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