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A catalogue of upwards of twenty thousand volumes of books including the remaining part of the valua...

A catalogue of upwards of twenty thousand volumes of books including the remaining part of the valua...


A catalogue of upwards of twenty thousand volumes of books including the remaining part of the valuable library of His Grace the Duke of Newcastle [electronic resource] : and the entire Collection of a Person of Distinction, lately deceased: With some very capital Books of Prints, just imported from France and Italy, and many large Parcels, lately purchased. The whole forming a Curious Variety of the best Books inall Languages, Arts and Sciences, in fine Condition, and many upon Royal Paper, in elegant Russia and Morocco Bindings. Amongst which are, Seba Thesaurus eorum nat. 4 tom. Rus. Deliciae nat. selectae, 2 tom. fig. col. Mor. Merian de Insectis Surinam, fig. col. M. Hill's Nat. Hist. Gard. & Herb. roy-pap. 5 vol. coloured, Russia Weinmani Phytantheza Iconograp. 4 tom. coloured Catesby's Carolina, 2 tom. Rus. col. Edward's Nat. Hist. 7 vol. Mor. col. Trew Hortus Nitidissimus, fig. colorat Physica Sacra, 8 tom. Ornithologie par Martinet, 3 v. fig. illu. Wilkes and Harris's Moths and Butterfl. coloured Pitture D'ercolano, 5 tom. Estampes de la Gallerie de Dresda, 2 tom. Vandermulen's capital Works, Mor. Oeuvres de Basan, 3 tom. - complet de Vernet, gr. pap. Statute Grece & Romane di S. Mar. R. Illustrious Heads, first Impressions, 1. pap. Fables, & Contes de Fontaine, bel. fig. Pitture di Pelligrino Works of Salvator Rosa - of Ostade. Estampes du Cabinet du Roy, Mor. fine. Halleri Icones Anatomicae, 2 tom. Voyages de Le Brun, 3 tom. General Dictionary, 10 vol. Vocabolario della Crusea, 6 tom. Flor. Dictionaries by Johnston, Chambers, Ainsworth, Bayle, James, Postlethwayte, Richlet, &c. &c. L'antique explique par Montfaucon, 15 tom. gr. pap. Views of the Palace and Gardens at Versailles, Mor. Teniers's Gallery, fine Impressions Stoch, Pierres Antiques par Picart, g. p. Ruins of Balbeck Palmyra-Dioclefian's Palace, de la Grece par le Roy, &c. &c. D. of Newcastle's Horsemanship, 2 v. Imp. paper; Morocco. Clarke's Caesar, Russia leather. Rymer's Foedera, 21 vol. Viner's Abridgment, 24 vol. Pembrochiae Numismata, ch. max. Robert and De L'isles Atlas, gr. pap. Piranesi Antichita Romane, 4 tom. Guichiardini & Davilla Istoria, ch. max. Clarendon's Rebellion, 4 vol. roy. pap. Inigo Jones's Designs, by Kent. Rapin's History, 2 vol. large pap. Mor. Norden and Pocock's travels, large pap. Strafford's Letters, by Knowler, 2 vol. large paper, Morocco. Diodorus Siculus Wesselingii, 2 vol. Demosthenis Wolfii. Homeyns, 4 tom. ch. max. Glasgow. Dionysius Halicarnasseus Hudson, 2 v. Euripides Barnesii. Pindarus, per West. Picart's Ovid, fine cuts. Missals, finely illuminated. Voyage en Siberie, 2 tom, Mor. With many Hundreds more, equally valuable. Which will begin to be Sold very reasonable, this Day, 1770, (for ready Money only) the Prices printed in the Catalogue, to continue on Sale till all are Sold, By James Robson, Bookseller at the Feathers in New-Bond-Street. Who gives the utmost Value for any Library or Parcel of Books. Catalogues (price 6d. to be allowed in the Purchase) to be had of Mr. Dodsley, Pall-Mall; Mr. Blamire, corner of Craven-Street, Strand; Mr. Cater, Holborn; Mr. Owen, Temple-Bar; Mr. Law, Ave-Mary-Lane; and Messrs. Richardson and Urquhart, at the Royal-Exchange; also of the Booksellers of Oxford, Cambridge, and all the great Towns in England. .

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Full title

A catalogue of upwards of twenty thousand volumes of books including the remaining part of the valuable library of His Grace the Duke of Newcastle [electronic resource] : and the entire Collection of a Person of Distinction, lately deceased: With some very capital Books of Prints, just imported from France and Italy, and many large Parcels, lately purchased. The whole forming a Curious Variety of the best Books inall Languages, Arts and Sciences, in fine Condition, and many upon Royal Paper, in elegant Russia and Morocco Bindings. Amongst which are, Seba Thesaurus eorum nat. 4 tom. Rus. Deliciae nat. selectae, 2 tom. fig. col. Mor. Merian de Insectis Surinam, fig. col. M. Hill's Nat. Hist. Gard. & Herb. roy-pap. 5 vol. coloured, Russia Weinmani Phytantheza Iconograp. 4 tom. coloured Catesby's Carolina, 2 tom. Rus. col. Edward's Nat. Hist. 7 vol. Mor. col. Trew Hortus Nitidissimus, fig. colorat Physica Sacra, 8 tom. Ornithologie par Martinet, 3 v. fig. illu. Wilkes and Harris's Moths and Butterfl. coloured Pitture D'ercolano, 5 tom. Estampes de la Gallerie de Dresda, 2 tom. Vandermulen's capital Works, Mor. Oeuvres de Basan, 3 tom. - complet de Vernet, gr. pap. Statute Grece & Romane di S. Mar. R. Illustrious Heads, first Impressions, 1. pap. Fables, & Contes de Fontaine, bel. fig. Pitture di Pelligrino Works of Salvator Rosa - of Ostade. Estampes du Cabinet du Roy, Mor. fine. Halleri Icones Anatomicae, 2 tom. Voyages de Le Brun, 3 tom. General Dictionary, 10 vol. Vocabolario della Crusea, 6 tom. Flor. Dictionaries by Johnston, Chambers, Ainsworth, Bayle, James, Postlethwayte, Richlet, &c. &c. L'antique explique par Montfaucon, 15 tom. gr. pap. Views of the Palace and Gardens at Versailles, Mor. Teniers's Gallery, fine Impressions Stoch, Pierres Antiques par Picart, g. p. Ruins of Balbeck Palmyra-Dioclefian's Palace, de la Grece par le Roy, &c. &c. D. of Newcastle's Horsemanship, 2 v. Imp. paper; Morocco. Clarke's Caesar, Russia leather. Rymer's Foedera, 21 vol. Viner's Abridgment, 24 vol. Pembrochiae Numismata, ch. max. Robert and De L'isles Atlas, gr. pap. Piranesi Antichita Romane, 4 tom. Guichiardini & Davilla Istoria, ch. max. Clarendon's Rebellion, 4 vol. roy. pap. Inigo Jones's Designs, by Kent. Rapin's History, 2 vol. large pap. Mor. Norden and Pocock's travels, large pap. Strafford's Letters, by Knowler, 2 vol. large paper, Morocco. Diodorus Siculus Wesselingii, 2 vol. Demosthenis Wolfii. Homeyns, 4 tom. ch. max. Glasgow. Dionysius Halicarnasseus Hudson, 2 v. Euripides Barnesii. Pindarus, per West. Picart's Ovid, fine cuts. Missals, finely illuminated. Voyage en Siberie, 2 tom, Mor. With many Hundreds more, equally valuable. Which will begin to be Sold very reasonable, this Day, 1770, (for ready Money only) the Prices printed in the Catalogue, to continue on Sale till all are Sold, By James Robson, Bookseller at the Feathers in New-Bond-Street. Who gives the utmost Value for any Library or Parcel of Books. Catalogues (price 6d. to be allowed in the Purchase) to be had of Mr. Dodsley, Pall-Mall; Mr. Blamire, corner of Craven-Street, Strand; Mr. Cater, Holborn; Mr. Owen, Temple-Bar; Mr. Law, Ave-Mary-Lane; and Messrs. Richardson and Urquhart, at the Royal-Exchange; also of the Booksellers of Oxford, Cambridge, and all the great Towns in England. .


[London : s.n., 1770]



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[6],14,13-176p. ; 8°.

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[London : s.n., 1770]

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Available for use in the Library. Available from home to registered NSW residents.

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Full title

A catalogue of upwards of twenty thousand volumes of books including the remaining part of the valuable library of His Grace the Duke of Newcastle [electronic resource] : and the entire Collection of a Person of Distinction, lately deceased: With some very capital Books of Prints, just imported from France and Italy, and many large Parcels, lately...

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Reproduction of original from British Library.

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Citation / References Note

ESTC T28849.

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Also available in microfilm held offsite at RAV/FM4/51.

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Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.


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