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Kearsly's gentleman and tradesman's pocket ledger, [electronic resource] : for the year 1781: Contai...

Kearsly's gentleman and tradesman's pocket ledger, [electronic resource] : for the year 1781: Contai...


Kearsly's gentleman and tradesman's pocket ledger, [electronic resource] : for the year 1781: Containing A much greater number of useful articles than any other annual publication; particularly, Fifty-Two ruled pages for Accounts. A Term Table, with the Returns. A table of wages and expences by the day, week, month, and year. A table for computing daily expences, servants wages, rent, annuities, &c. for any time. Tables for buying and selling by weight. Tables of Interest. Bankers in London. Various useful tables of weights, measures, time, &c. &c. An exact account of the days and hours for buying and accepting or selling and transferring the several stocks, or government securities, and receiving the interest or dividends due thereon, at the Bank, India-House, and South-Sea-House. List of public offices, with their hours of doing business A plain and easy method of measuring any piece of timber, or brick-work; also how to guage any cask, or measure a piece of ground. The distances from the various ports both on the English and French coasts, drawn out in leagues as near as can be ascertained Military instructions, highly interesting at this juncture, when the whole kingdom seems changing its civil into a martial appearance. A succinct account of the heathen gods and goddesses, heroes, heroines, &c. forming a complete pocket Pantheon. The house of Peers in alphabetical order. Sixteen Peers of Scotland. Clerks and officers of both houses of Parliament. A complete list of Members returned for the new Parliament. List of Members of the last Parliament who are not in the present. List of the new Peers created last summer, &c. &c. For the whole Contents, see the two next pages.

About this item

Full title

Kearsly's gentleman and tradesman's pocket ledger, [electronic resource] : for the year 1781: Containing A much greater number of useful articles than any other annual publication; particularly, Fifty-Two ruled pages for Accounts. A Term Table, with the Returns. A table of wages and expences by the day, week, month, and year. A table for computing daily expences, servants wages, rent, annuities, &c. for any time. Tables for buying and selling by weight. Tables of Interest. Bankers in London. Various useful tables of weights, measures, time, &c. &c. An exact account of the days and hours for buying and accepting or selling and transferring the several stocks, or government securities, and receiving the interest or dividends due thereon, at the Bank, India-House, and South-Sea-House. List of public offices, with their hours of doing business A plain and easy method of measuring any piece of timber, or brick-work; also how to guage any cask, or measure a piece of ground. The distances from the various ports both on the English and French coasts, drawn out in leagues as near as can be ascertained Military instructions, highly interesting at this juncture, when the whole kingdom seems changing its civil into a martial appearance. A succinct account of the heathen gods and goddesses, heroes, heroines, &c. forming a complete pocket Pantheon. The house of Peers in alphabetical order. Sixteen Peers of Scotland. Clerks and officers of both houses of Parliament. A complete list of Members returned for the new Parliament. List of Members of the last Parliament who are not in the present. List of the new Peers created last summer, &c. &c. For the whole Contents, see the two next pages.


London : printed for G. Kearsly, at No. 46, in Fleet-Street, and sold by all the booksellers in town and country. To be continued Annually, [1781]

Alternative title

Kearsley's gentleman and tradesman's pocket ledger.



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Physical Description

Physical content

7,[107],119-196p. ; 8°.

Publication information


London : printed for G. Kearsly, at No. 46, in Fleet-Street, and sold by all the booksellers in town and country. To be continued Annually, [1781]

Place of Publication


Date Published


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Available for use in the Library. Available from home to registered NSW residents.

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Alternative Titles

Full title

Kearsly's gentleman and tradesman's pocket ledger, [electronic resource] : for the year 1781: Containing A much greater number of useful articles than any other annual publication; particularly, Fifty-Two ruled pages for Accounts. A Term Table, with the Returns. A table of wages and expences by the day, week, month, and year. A table for computing...

Authors, Artists and Contributors

General note

Price from imprint: Price 1s. 8d. bound in Red Leather, with Pockets for Notes.

Reproduction of original from Bodleian Library (Oxford).

Citation / References Note

ESTC N39453.

Additional physical form availability note

Also available in microfilm held offsite at RAV/FM4/51.

Reproduction note

Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.


Primary Identifiers

Record Identifier




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