Correction to: Psychometric properties of the FACT-M questionnaire in patients with Merkel cell carc...
Correction to: Psychometric properties of the FACT-M questionnaire in patients with Merkel cell carcinoma
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Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2017) 15:247 Unfortunately, the original version of this article [1] contained one error around the EQ-5D visual analogue scale (VAS) scores affecting a few patients. Table 1 Internal consistency reliability and clinical and concurrent validity of the FACT-M and MCC-specific scores in the mMCC population FACT-M Subscales and Summary scores # items Cronbach’s alpha[a] Scale structure ECOG PS (mean [SD]) EQ-5D VAS EQ-5D index Range of item-subscale correlations[b] Convergent[c]/Divergent[d] validity (% of items) 0 (n = 39) 1 (N = 31) p-value[e] Correlation[b] Correlation [b] FACT-G subscales Physical well-being (PWB) 7 0.86 0.49–0.81 100/ 57 23.21 (5.02) 20.10 (6.08) 0.0221 0.59 0.75 Social/Family well-being (SWB) 7 0.81 0.41–0.86 100/ 71 23.03 (4.78) 21.49 (5.30) 0.2065 0.19 0.24 Emotional well-being (EWB) 6 0.83 0.53–0.75 100/ 67 17.97 (4.22) 16.87 (4.95) 0.3179 0.36 0.53 Functional well-being (FWB) 7 0.87 0.49–0.82 100/ 71 17.41 (6.68) 15.48 (5.90) 0.2113 0.44 0.63 Melanoma-specific subscales Melanoma Subscale (MS) 16 0.85 0.24–0.85 75 / 31 51.64 (8.93) 49.10 (9.02) 0.2427 0.55 0.75 Melanoma surgery Scale (MSS) 8 0.84 0.15–0.81 88 / 63 26.51 (6.19) 25.58 (6.03) 0.5290 0.26 0.51 Summary scales FACT-M TOI 30 0.94 – – 92.26 (18.75) 84.68 (19.40) 0.1026 0.58 0.78 FACT-G total score 27 0.94 – – 81.62 (17.25) 73.95 (17.62) 0.0713 0.50 0.67 FACT-M total score 43 0.96 – – 133.26 (24.66) 123.04 (25.21) 0.0926 0.55 0.74 MCC-Specific scores Physical function score (PF) 6 0.88 – – 16.38 (5.67) 13.71 (5.54) 0.0519 0.52 0.72 Psychological impact score (PI) 6 0.85 – – 17.82 (4.40) 16.87 (5.18) 0.4101 0.36 0.52 MCC summary score 12 0.91 – – 34.21 (8.99) 30.58 (9.94) 0.1145 0.49 0.69 # number, ECOG PS Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance score, MCC Merkel cell carcinoma, PAS PRO analysis set, SD Standard deviation, TOI Trial Outcome Index [a] Recommended threshold α > 0.7; [b] Pearson correlation coefficients; [c] % of items correlated with its own dimension ≥0.4; [d] % of items correlated with its own dimension higher that the correlation with any other dimension; [e] p-value from t-test of score between the two ECOG performance status groups at baseline Internal consistency reliability and clinical validity were assessed in the PAS (N = 70) ECOG PS: 0 = Fully active; 1 = Restricted in physically strenuous activity Notes The original article can be found online at Declarations Open AccessThis article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you giv...
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Correction to: Psychometric properties of the FACT-M questionnaire in patients with Merkel cell carcinoma
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