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An Online Course Management Tool To Develop And Deliver The Microelectronics Laboratory Curriculum

An Online Course Management Tool To Develop And Deliver The Microelectronics Laboratory Curriculum


An Online Course Management Tool To Develop And Deliver The Microelectronics Laboratory Curriculum

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An Online Course Management Tool To Develop And Deliver The Microelectronics Laboratory Curriculum

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Atlanta: American Society for Engineering Education-ASEE

Journal title

Association for Engineering Education - Engineering Library Division Papers, 2004, p.9.195.1



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Atlanta: American Society for Engineering Education-ASEE

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NOTE: The first page of text has been automatically extracted and included below in lieu of an abstract semester. Finally, perhaps the largest issue is project management, both organizationally and technically. Students are learning how to be project managers and they sometimes do not see the necessity to devote their scarce time resource to plan, track, and review all the project’s activities. To solve some of the problems, team members are offered independent study credit for working on the project in the “off season” (such as summers) when the project class is not offered. However, project management remains an ongoing issue. Students in the project class are taught requirements management and project management skills, but this is their first effort to generate a workable application. Students present their plans and status in class and the instructor provides input, but most students are more worried about their grade than the project success and don’t bring up real issues in those status reports. These problems parallel real software development and the project experience is good preparation for their future careers Bibliogr aphy 1. Lakshmi V. Munukutla and Albert L. McHenry, “Innovative Educational Partnership for the New Century,” ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Seattle, Washington, June 28- July 1, 1998. 2. Richard Newman, Lakshmi V. Munukutla and John Robertson, “Building Bridges with Community Colleges Partnering for Educational Success”, ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Montreal, Canada, June 16-19, 2002. 3. Joseph S. Mattoon, “Metrics for Assessing Return on Investment from Information Technology”, Proceedings of the 14th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and the 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Diego, CA, 2000. Biogr aphical Sketch Lakshmi Munukutla received her Ph.D. degree in Solid State Physics from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio and M.Sc and B.Sc degrees from Andhra University, India. L.V. Munukutla developed an interest in semiconductor device processing technology and characterization while she was working at Motorola Inc. She has been active in research and published several journal articles. She holds an Associate Dean position in the College of Technology and Applied Sciences at Arizona State University East. Richard L. Newman joined Arizona State University East (ASUE) in August of 2001 and currently serves as Director of Training Operations for the Microelectronics Teaching Factory. Before joining ASU, he was Associate Director at MATEC. Mr. Newman has been actively involved in curriculum and program development for Technology and Applied science programs since 1980. Harry Koehnemann is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Computing Studies at Arizona State University East. He completed his Ph.D. from Arizona State in 1994. His research interests include distributed web-based software systems, software process, and network-enabled embedded devices. Please see his home page at http://latitude.east.asu.edu for more information. John Robertson is a professor in the Department of Electronic and Computer Technology at ASU’s East campus in Mesa, Arizona. His activities involve substantial curriculum development as well as research on semiconductor devices. From 1994 to 2001, he was Director in Motorola’s Semiconductor Products Sector and before that...

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An Online Course Management Tool To Develop And Deliver The Microelectronics Laboratory Curriculum

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