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New Paper Industry Toolbar Delivers Resources to Desktops

New Paper Industry Toolbar Delivers Resources to Desktops


New Paper Industry Toolbar Delivers Resources to Desktops

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New Paper Industry Toolbar Delivers Resources to Desktops


New York: PR Newswire Association LLC

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PR Newswire, 2001, p.1



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New York: PR Newswire Association LLC

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TAPPI (http://www.tappi.org) is the leading technical association for the worldwide pulp, paper and converting industry. TAPPI provides its members rapid access to the largest international group of technically experienced people in the industry, the most comprehensive collection of reliable technical information in the industry, and the highest quality products and services created to meet the needs of people who solve technical problems in the industry. Toolbar links include Membership Benefits, Events, TAPPI News, Standards, Education and Training, JobLine, Industry Journals, Conference Paper Archives, Solutions!, TAPPI JOURNAL TAPPI PRESS Books & CD's, Member Groups, Contact TAPPI, TAPPI Alerts. The five industry organization have partnered with each other and @hoc, a leading provider of e-business communications software to offer the Paper Industry Toolbar, using @hoc's Persistent Communications(TM) technology. The Paper Industry Toolbar is a personalized desktop application linking to preferred content and services, which sends customized alerts as soon as the information is posted. The Paper Industry Toolbar is compatible with Netscape(TM) or Internet Explorer(TM) browsers, and can be downloaded at http:// www.paperindustrytoolbar.com or by visiting the websites of the sponsoring organizations....

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New Paper Industry Toolbar Delivers Resources to Desktops


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