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Traffic-Related Air Pollution, APOE ε4 Status, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes among School Children...

Traffic-Related Air Pollution, APOE ε4 Status, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes among School Children...


Traffic-Related Air Pollution, APOE ε4 Status, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes among School Children Enrolled in the BREATHE Project (Catalonia, Spain)

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Traffic-Related Air Pollution, APOE ε4 Status, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes among School Children Enrolled in the BREATHE Project (Catalonia, Spain)


United States: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

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Environmental health perspectives, 2018-08, Vol.126 (8), p.087001




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United States: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

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Traffic-related air pollution is emerging as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and impaired brain development. Individual differences in vulnerability to air pollution may involve the ε4 allele of
) gene, the primary genetic risk factor for AD.
We analyzed whether the association between traffic air pollution and neurodevelopmental outcomes is modified by
ε4 status in children.
Data on parent-reported behavior problems (total difficulties scores, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire), teacher-reported attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptom scores, cognitive performance trajectories (computerized tests of inattentiveness and working memory repeated 2-4 times during January 2012-March 2013), and
genotypes were obtained for 1,667 children age 7-11 y attending 39 schools in or near Barcelona. Basal ganglia volume (putamen, caudate, and globus pallidum) was measured in 163 of the children by MRI (October 2012-April 2014.) Average annual outdoor polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), elemental carbon (EC), and nitrogen dioxide (NO
) concentrations were estimated based on measurements at each school (two 1-wk campaigns conducted 6 months apart in 2012).
ε4 allele carriers had significantly higher behavior problem scores than noncarriers, and adverse associations with PAHs and NO
were stronger or limited to ε4 carriers for behavior problem scores (
-interaction 0.03 and 0.04), caudate volume (
-interaction 0.04 and 0.03), and inattentiveness trajectories (
-interaction 0.15 and 0.08, respectively). Patterns of associations with the same outcomes were similar for EC.
PAHs, EC, and NO
were associated with higher behavior problem scores, smaller reductions in inattentiveness over time, and smaller caudate volume in
ε4 allele carriers in our study population, and corresponding associations were weak or absent among ε4 noncarriers. These findings support a potential role of
in biological mechanisms that may contribute to associations between air pollution and neurobehavioral outcomes in children. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP2246....

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Traffic-Related Air Pollution, APOE ε4 Status, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes among School Children Enrolled in the BREATHE Project (Catalonia, Spain)


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