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Diagnosis and clinical outcomes of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in antiretroviral therapy programmes...

Diagnosis and clinical outcomes of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in antiretroviral therapy programmes...


Diagnosis and clinical outcomes of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in antiretroviral therapy programmes in low‐ and middle‐income countries: a multicohort study

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Diagnosis and clinical outcomes of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in antiretroviral therapy programmes in low‐ and middle‐income countries: a multicohort study

Author / Creator

Zürcher, Kathrin , Ballif, Marie , Kiertiburanakul, Sasisopin , Chenal, Henri , Yotebieng, Marcel , Grinsztejn, Beatriz , Michael, Denna , Sterling, Timothy R , Ngonyani, Kapella M , Fenner, Lukas , Veloso, Valdilea , Boni, Raquel , Wagner, Sandra Cardoso , Friedman, Ruth , Moreira, Ronaldo , Madero, Juan Sierra , Belaunzaran, Paco , Vega, Yanink Caro , Gotuzzo, Eduardo , Mejia, Fernando , Carriquiry, Gabriela , Shepherd, Bryan E , Sterling, Timothy , Jayathilake, Karu , Person, Anna K , Rebeiro, Peter F , Castilho, Jessica , Duda, Stephany N , Maruri, Fernanda , Vansell, Hilary , Gatechompol, S , Phanuphak, P , Phadungphon, C , Kiertiburanakul, S , Chumla, L , Sanmeema, N , Nguyen, KV , Bui, HV , Nguyen, DT , An, NV , Luan, NT , Sohn, AH , Ross, JL , Petersen, B , Law, MG , Jiamsakul, A , Ssali, John , Ngonyani, Kapella , Urassa, Mark , Machemba, Richard , Yiannoutsos, Constantin , Vreeman, Rachel , Musick, Beverly , Elul, Batya , Kantor, Rami , Martin, Jeffrey , Cohen, Craig , Azon‐Kouanou, Angèle , Traore, Hamar Alassane , Minta, Daouda , Toure, Amadou Abathina , Seydi, Moussa , Arrivé, Elise , Coffie, Patrick , Jaquet, Antoine , Lewden, Charlotte , Amani, Dieudonné , Azani, Jean‐Claude , Balestre, Eric , Bessekon, Serge , Bohossou, Franck , Gilbert, Camille , Gonsan, Jules Mahan , Le Carrou, Jérôme , Nchot, Célestin , Yao, Amon Roseamonde , Clouet, Gwenaelle , Dosso, Madikona , Doring, Alexandra , Rabourdin, Elodie , Rivenc, Jean , Ba, Boubacar , Ciaranello, Andrea , Datté, Sébastien , Desmonde, Sophie , Elvis Diby, Jean‐Serge , Gottlieb, Geoffrey S , Kangah, Serge N'zoré , Malvy, Denis , Meless, David , Ndondoki, Camille , Wandeler, Gilles , Dusingize, Jean Claude , Mutimura, Eugene , Tatwangire, Judy , Izabelle, Izimukwiye , Baramperanye, Evelyne , Edmonds, Andrew , Azinyue, Innocent , Ayangma, Liliane , International Epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) consortium and the International Epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) consortium


Switzerland: International AIDS Society

Journal title

Journal of the International AIDS Society, 2019-09, Vol.22 (9), p.e25392-n/a




Publication information


Switzerland: International AIDS Society

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Extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) is difficult to confirm bacteriologically and requires specific diagnostic capacities. Diagnosis can be especially challenging in under‐resourced settings. We studied diagnostic modalities and clinical outcomes of EPTB compared to pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) among HIV‐positive adults in antiretrov...

Alternative Titles

Full title

Diagnosis and clinical outcomes of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in antiretroviral therapy programmes in low‐ and middle‐income countries: a multicohort study

Authors, Artists and Contributors

Author / Creator

Zürcher, Kathrin
Ballif, Marie
Kiertiburanakul, Sasisopin
Chenal, Henri
Yotebieng, Marcel
Grinsztejn, Beatriz
Michael, Denna
Sterling, Timothy R
Ngonyani, Kapella M
Fenner, Lukas
Veloso, Valdilea
Boni, Raquel
Wagner, Sandra Cardoso
Friedman, Ruth
Moreira, Ronaldo
Madero, Juan Sierra
Belaunzaran, Paco
Vega, Yanink Caro
Gotuzzo, Eduardo
Mejia, Fernando
Carriquiry, Gabriela
Shepherd, Bryan E
Sterling, Timothy
Jayathilake, Karu
Person, Anna K
Rebeiro, Peter F
Castilho, Jessica
Duda, Stephany N
Maruri, Fernanda
Vansell, Hilary
Gatechompol, S
Phanuphak, P
Phadungphon, C
Kiertiburanakul, S
Chumla, L
Sanmeema, N
Nguyen, KV
Bui, HV
Nguyen, DT
An, NV
Luan, NT
Sohn, AH
Ross, JL
Petersen, B
Law, MG
Jiamsakul, A
Ssali, John
Ngonyani, Kapella
Urassa, Mark
Machemba, Richard
Yiannoutsos, Constantin
Vreeman, Rachel
Musick, Beverly
Elul, Batya
Kantor, Rami
Martin, Jeffrey
Cohen, Craig
Azon‐Kouanou, Angèle
Traore, Hamar Alassane
Minta, Daouda
Toure, Amadou Abathina
Seydi, Moussa
Arrivé, Elise
Coffie, Patrick
Jaquet, Antoine
Lewden, Charlotte
Amani, Dieudonné
Azani, Jean‐Claude
Balestre, Eric
Bessekon, Serge
Bohossou, Franck
Gilbert, Camille
Gonsan, Jules Mahan
Le Carrou, Jérôme
Nchot, Célestin
Yao, Amon Roseamonde
Clouet, Gwenaelle
Dosso, Madikona
Doring, Alexandra
Rabourdin, Elodie
Rivenc, Jean
Ba, Boubacar
Ciaranello, Andrea
Datté, Sébastien
Desmonde, Sophie
Elvis Diby, Jean‐Serge
Gottlieb, Geoffrey S
Kangah, Serge N'zoré
Malvy, Denis
Meless, David
Ndondoki, Camille
Wandeler, Gilles
Dusingize, Jean Claude
Mutimura, Eugene
Tatwangire, Judy
Izabelle, Izimukwiye
Baramperanye, Evelyne
Edmonds, Andrew
Azinyue, Innocent
Ayangma, Liliane
International Epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) consortium
the International Epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) consortium


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