Rare coding variants in 10 genes confer substantial risk for schizophrenia
Rare coding variants in 10 genes confer substantial risk for schizophrenia
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Singh, Tarjinder , Poterba, Timothy , Curtis, David , Akil, Huda , Al Eissa, Mariam , Barchas, Jack D. , Bass, Nicholas , Bigdeli, Tim B. , Breen, Gerome , Bromet, Evelyn J. , Buckley, Peter F. , Bunney, William E. , Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas , Byerley, William F. , Chapman, Sinéad B. , Chen, Wei J. , Churchhouse, Claire , Craddock, Nicholas , Cusick, Caroline M. , DeLisi, Lynn , Dodge, Sheila , Escamilla, Michael A. , Eskelinen, Saana , Fanous, Ayman H. , Faraone, Stephen V. , Fiorentino, Alessia , Francioli, Laurent , Gabriel, Stacey B. , Gage, Diane , Taliun, Sarah A. Gagliano , Ganna, Andrea , Genovese, Giulio , Glahn, David C. , Grove, Jakob , Hall, Mei-Hua , Hämäläinen, Eija , Heyne, Henrike O. , Holi, Matti , Hougaard, David M. , Howrigan, Daniel P. , Huang, Hailiang , Hwu, Hai-Gwo , Kahn, René S. , Kang, Hyun Min , Karczewski, Konrad J. , Kirov, George , Knowles, James A. , Lee, Francis S. , Lehrer, Douglas S. , Lescai, Francesco , Malaspina, Dolores , Marder, Stephen R. , McCarroll, Steven A. , McIntosh, Andrew M. , Medeiros, Helena , Milani, Lili , Morley, Christopher P. , Morris, Derek W. , Bo Mortensen, Preben , Myers, Richard M. , Nordentoft, Merete , O’Brien, Niamh L. , Olivares, Ana Maria , Ongur, Dost , Ouwehand, Willem H. , Palmer, Duncan S. , Paunio, Tiina , Quested, Digby , Rapaport, Mark H. , Rees, Elliott , Rollins, Brandi , Satterstrom, F. Kyle , Schatzberg, Alan , Scolnick, Edward , Scott, Laura J. , Sharp, Sally I. , Sklar, Pamela , Smoller, Jordan W. , Sobell, Janet l. , Solomonson, Matthew , Stevens, Christine R. , Suvisaari, Jaana , Tiao, Grace , Watson, Stanley J. , Watts, Nicholas A. , Blackwood, Douglas H. , Børglum, Anders D. , Cohen, Bruce M. , Corvin, Aiden P. , Esko, Tõnu , Freimer, Nelson B. , Glatt, Stephen J. , Hultman, Christina M. , McQuillin, Andrew , Palotie, Aarno , Pato, Carlos N. , Pato, Michele T. , Pulver, Ann E. , St. Clair, David and Tsuang, Ming T.
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Rare coding variation has historically provided the most direct connections between gene function and disease pathogenesis. By meta-analyzing the whole-exomes of 24,248 cases and 97,322 controls, we implicate ultra-rare coding variants (URVs) in ten genes as conferring substantial risk for schizophrenia (odds ratios 3 – 50, P < 2.14 × 10
Alternative Titles
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Rare coding variants in 10 genes confer substantial risk for schizophrenia
Authors, Artists and Contributors
Author / Creator
Poterba, Timothy
Curtis, David
Akil, Huda
Al Eissa, Mariam
Barchas, Jack D.
Bass, Nicholas
Bigdeli, Tim B.
Breen, Gerome
Bromet, Evelyn J.
Buckley, Peter F.
Bunney, William E.
Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas
Byerley, William F.
Chapman, Sinéad B.
Chen, Wei J.
Churchhouse, Claire
Craddock, Nicholas
Cusick, Caroline M.
DeLisi, Lynn
Dodge, Sheila
Escamilla, Michael A.
Eskelinen, Saana
Fanous, Ayman H.
Faraone, Stephen V.
Fiorentino, Alessia
Francioli, Laurent
Gabriel, Stacey B.
Gage, Diane
Taliun, Sarah A. Gagliano
Ganna, Andrea
Genovese, Giulio
Glahn, David C.
Grove, Jakob
Hall, Mei-Hua
Hämäläinen, Eija
Heyne, Henrike O.
Holi, Matti
Hougaard, David M.
Howrigan, Daniel P.
Huang, Hailiang
Hwu, Hai-Gwo
Kahn, René S.
Kang, Hyun Min
Karczewski, Konrad J.
Kirov, George
Knowles, James A.
Lee, Francis S.
Lehrer, Douglas S.
Lescai, Francesco
Malaspina, Dolores
Marder, Stephen R.
McCarroll, Steven A.
McIntosh, Andrew M.
Medeiros, Helena
Milani, Lili
Morley, Christopher P.
Morris, Derek W.
Bo Mortensen, Preben
Myers, Richard M.
Nordentoft, Merete
O’Brien, Niamh L.
Olivares, Ana Maria
Ongur, Dost
Ouwehand, Willem H.
Palmer, Duncan S.
Paunio, Tiina
Quested, Digby
Rapaport, Mark H.
Rees, Elliott
Rollins, Brandi
Satterstrom, F. Kyle
Schatzberg, Alan
Scolnick, Edward
Scott, Laura J.
Sharp, Sally I.
Sklar, Pamela
Smoller, Jordan W.
Sobell, Janet l.
Solomonson, Matthew
Stevens, Christine R.
Suvisaari, Jaana
Tiao, Grace
Watson, Stanley J.
Watts, Nicholas A.
Blackwood, Douglas H.
Børglum, Anders D.
Cohen, Bruce M.
Corvin, Aiden P.
Esko, Tõnu
Freimer, Nelson B.
Glatt, Stephen J.
Hultman, Christina M.
McQuillin, Andrew
Palotie, Aarno
Pato, Carlos N.
Pato, Michele T.
Pulver, Ann E.
St. Clair, David
Tsuang, Ming T.
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