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Age at symptom onset and death and disease duration in genetic frontotemporal dementia: an internati...

Age at symptom onset and death and disease duration in genetic frontotemporal dementia: an internati...


Age at symptom onset and death and disease duration in genetic frontotemporal dementia: an international retrospective cohort study

About this item

Full title

Age at symptom onset and death and disease duration in genetic frontotemporal dementia: an international retrospective cohort study

Author / Creator

FTD Prevention Initiative , Nicholas, Jennifer , Grossman, Murray , McMillan, Corey T , Massimo, Lauren , Van Deerlin, Vivianna M , Warren, Jason D , Fox, Nick C , Bocchetta, Martina , Boeve, Bradley F , Knopman, David S , Rademakers, Rosa , van Swieten, John C , Meeter, Lieke H , Dopper, Elise GP , Snowden, Julie S , Saxon, Jennifer , Pickering-Brown, Stuart , Le Ber, Isabelle , Brice, Alexis , Caroppo, Paola , Ghidoni, Roberta , Pievani, Michela , Binetti, Giuliano , Dickerson, Bradford C , Lucente, Diane , Graff, Caroline , Ghoshal, Nupur , Galimberti, Daniela , Scarpini, Elio , Mackenzie, Ian R , Hsiung, Ging-Yuek R , Sengdy, Pheth , Boxer, Adam L , Taylor, Joanne B , Synofzik, Matthis , Wilke, Carlo , Sulzer, Patricia , Kwok, John , Lladó, Albert , Borrego-Ecija, Sergi , Santana, Isabel , Almeida, Maria Rosário , Tábuas-Pereira, Miguel , Moreno, Fermin , Barandiaran, Myriam , Indakoetxea, Begoña , Levin, Johannes , Danek, Adrian , Rowe, James B , Anderl-Straub, Sarah , Masellis, Mario , Black, Sandra E , Lautrette, Geraldine , Vandenberghe, Rik , Rogalski, Emily J , Weintraub, Sandra , Gerhard, Alexander , Onyike, Chiadi U , Papageorgiou, Sokratis G , Bras, Jose , Rohrer, Jonathan D , Heller, Carolin , Convery, Rhian S , Shafei, Rachelle M , Jones, David T , Baker, Matt , Gavrilova, Ralitza , Domoto-Reilly, Kimiko , Poos, Jackie M , Van der Ende, Emma L , Panman, Jessica L , Seelaar, Harro , Fostinelli, Silvia , Chiang, Huei-Hsin , Arighi, Andrea , Fenoglio, Chiara , Heuer, Hilary , Miller, Bruce , Karydas, Anna , Fong, Jamie , João Leitão, Maria , Santiago, Beatriz , Ferreira, Carlos , De Arriba, Maria , Tainta, Mikel , Zulaica, Miren , Ferreira, Catarina , Semler, Elisa , Ludolph, Albert , Miltenberger, Gabriel , Rogaeva, Ekaterina , Bruffaerts, Rose , Vandenbulcke, Mathieu , Mesulam, M Marsel , Bigio, Eileen , Kroupis, Christos , Stefanis, Leonidas , Shoesmith, Christien , Robertson, Erik and Geschwind, Daniel


England: Elsevier Ltd

Journal title

Lancet neurology, 2020-02, Vol.19 (2), p.145-156




Publication information


England: Elsevier Ltd

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Scope and Contents


Frontotemporal dementia is a heterogenous neurodegenerative disorder, with about a third of cases being genetic. Most of this genetic component is accounted for by mutations in GRN, MAPT, and C9orf72. In this study, we aimed to complement previous phenotypic studies by doing an international study of age at symptom onset, age at death, and disease...

Alternative Titles

Full title

Age at symptom onset and death and disease duration in genetic frontotemporal dementia: an international retrospective cohort study

Authors, Artists and Contributors

Author / Creator

FTD Prevention Initiative
Nicholas, Jennifer
Grossman, Murray
McMillan, Corey T
Massimo, Lauren
Van Deerlin, Vivianna M
Warren, Jason D
Fox, Nick C
Bocchetta, Martina
Boeve, Bradley F
Knopman, David S
Rademakers, Rosa
van Swieten, John C
Meeter, Lieke H
Dopper, Elise GP
Snowden, Julie S
Saxon, Jennifer
Pickering-Brown, Stuart
Le Ber, Isabelle
Brice, Alexis
Caroppo, Paola
Ghidoni, Roberta
Pievani, Michela
Binetti, Giuliano
Dickerson, Bradford C
Lucente, Diane
Graff, Caroline
Ghoshal, Nupur
Galimberti, Daniela
Scarpini, Elio
Mackenzie, Ian R
Hsiung, Ging-Yuek R
Sengdy, Pheth
Boxer, Adam L
Taylor, Joanne B
Synofzik, Matthis
Wilke, Carlo
Sulzer, Patricia
Kwok, John
Lladó, Albert
Borrego-Ecija, Sergi
Santana, Isabel
Almeida, Maria Rosário
Tábuas-Pereira, Miguel
Moreno, Fermin
Barandiaran, Myriam
Indakoetxea, Begoña
Levin, Johannes
Danek, Adrian
Rowe, James B
Anderl-Straub, Sarah
Masellis, Mario
Black, Sandra E
Lautrette, Geraldine
Vandenberghe, Rik
Rogalski, Emily J
Weintraub, Sandra
Gerhard, Alexander
Onyike, Chiadi U
Papageorgiou, Sokratis G
Bras, Jose
Rohrer, Jonathan D
Heller, Carolin
Convery, Rhian S
Shafei, Rachelle M
Jones, David T
Baker, Matt
Gavrilova, Ralitza
Domoto-Reilly, Kimiko
Poos, Jackie M
Van der Ende, Emma L
Panman, Jessica L
Seelaar, Harro
Fostinelli, Silvia
Chiang, Huei-Hsin
Arighi, Andrea
Fenoglio, Chiara
Heuer, Hilary
Miller, Bruce
Karydas, Anna
Fong, Jamie
João Leitão, Maria
Santiago, Beatriz
Ferreira, Carlos
De Arriba, Maria
Tainta, Mikel
Zulaica, Miren
Ferreira, Catarina
Semler, Elisa
Ludolph, Albert
Miltenberger, Gabriel
Rogaeva, Ekaterina
Bruffaerts, Rose
Vandenbulcke, Mathieu
Mesulam, M Marsel
Bigio, Eileen
Kroupis, Christos
Stefanis, Leonidas
Shoesmith, Christien
Robertson, Erik
Geschwind, Daniel


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